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The next day I got to school the halls were packed. There were cameraman and reports everywhere. I followed the crowd to see Tanashi and Emily surrounded

"Are you two actually a happy couple?" One reporter asked

"Tanashi  are you ready for the big game tonight?" Another reporter asked

(Big game? Tonight!)

" What in havens name is going on? The principal shouted

The principal demanded that they all leave as he yelled at us telling us to go to class.

"Tanashi !" I yelled

He looked over his shoulder.

"What" he said with a cold look.

(Ew what's up with the attitude?)

"So you have a big game tonight huh?" I asked trying to smile

"Yea so what ab-

"I can't wait to see you play I hear you're really good at it" I said with a real smile this time.

Tanashi looked at me in surprise. He then looked at Emily and his friends waiting for him.

" Don't come I don't want someone like you at my game" he said with a cold shoulder and walked away.


I ran to class running down the halls.


"Are you ok?"

"Yea I'm-"

I looked up to see Ken who had his hand out offering help. I jumped to my feet.

"I'm ok" I said.

"Well then good. Hey are you going to the big game?" He asked me with a slight smile

"M-me yea I want to go but-

"Great let's go together I'll wait for you at the school gate!" He shouted as he hurried to his class

" hey wait I-"

( Ken huh. He seems like a fun dude way way cooler then that stupid ,dumb fake, jerk Tanashi.)

When school ended I couldn't wait to go to the game with Ken.

"Ken!" I yelled waving my hand

"Ew why is he talking to her?"
"She probably threaten him"

"Sorry I guess I was a little to loud huh" I told ken looking down.

"Who cares Thoses girls are just hating because you get to go with a guy like me come on!" He laughed while grabbing my hand.

(The hardness of his hand the warmth It's as if I felt this before I'v held these hands before.)

I couldn't stop my heart from beating he held my hand all the way to the game.

Tanashi POV

It's was game time. We played against the lions, one of the top teams today. I was truly nervous trying my best to hind it.

"Haru you're up!" The coach yelled at me

I could hear the crowd cheer my name.
I made my way down the court as they blew the whistle I grabbed ball...

"Tanashi Haru the new coming up just made a slam dunk for the wildfires!" referrer screamed

The game went by fast it was 122 to 120 we where 2 points behind with 30 seconds on the clock.

I took the ball I ran down the court I lost all nervousness I threw it at the three way mark and...

"The winner of this game is the wildfires!"

The crowd was no their feet running down to me was Ken and Moe.

"Moe what are-

Before I knew it she threw her arms around me.

"That was amazing wow! I've never been to a real game before omg did you see that Ken it was great!" She shouted with excitement.

"Are you ok Tanahsi?" She asked

"I'm fine" I said trying not to look her in the eyes.

"Dude you sure you look a little red" Ken pointed out.

Moe busted out in laughed in front of me and Ken.

"What's so funny stupid?" I asked

"You're blushing because I hugged you" she laughed.

"No I'm not ewww you're so annoying" I told her.

"Well I'm sorry I was just so excited I didn't mean to hug you at all trust me" she said as she continued to laugh.

Paparazzi surrounded us.

"Tanashi how are you feeling about you're first game?"

"What are you gonna do with all the money now?"

Taka POV

I stepped back as I watched Tanashi and Emily shine in front of the paparazzi. If only they were really in love they would be a cute couple.

"Come on Moe let go get something to eat before you go home ok-"

"Yea aren't we gonna wait for-

Ken grabbed my arm as we made our way out of the building.

"Hey umm Ken why did u want to come with me?" I asked

He took a deep breath

"You see me and you are. . . .

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