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The next morning we had school. I walked with Haru. When we got to the gates gospel started. Me and Haru split ways as I felt lonely for a while. Then Ken and Trey came to me and we walked to class together.

"You two are closer then usual" Ken said as he walked ahead.

(Is he mad?)

Ken turned around and stopped me and Trey in the middle of the hall.

"Don't forget Taka. Haru hated you at first. He didn't want anything to do with you. I love you Taka don't forget that." He said as he walked away

I stood speechless at how cruel he's words were toward his bestfriend.

"Yo Ken!" Haru shouted

Ken looked at me and ran up to Haru and the rest of their friends.

"What was that all about?" Trey asked me

"I have no idea" I answered watching Ken leave.

"Today was the school basketball game. Even through Haru was kicked off the NBA he stilled played for our school.

"Hey! You!" A voice yelled at me

I turned around to see Emily who had watered eyes.

"Why, you talked Tanashi into breaking up with me. You always wanted him. Now..... What am I suppose to do now. I didn't want him for his money you stupid whore... I loved Tanashi as more then a friend. Why did you take that away from me way!" She yelled at cried

A crowd formed around us. I could hear the people around us throwing all the blame on me like always. I do nothing wrong and I get hated. I do something right and I get hated. The cycle of hate for me is a never ending.

"Hey Emily-"

"Screw you.. Haru will never be by your side..... You will never be able to understand him... He will never show you all his flaws... Just remember this Moe Taka. Tanashi Haru and you will never be truly friends"

Those Where warning words,words I should of paid more attention too,words I should have remembered.

"You're wrong Emily. I might of had a little to do with your break up, but you're missing the point the whole relationship was fake. I-"

I couldn't finish what I had to say she walked off, but her words ranged in my head.

(You and Haru will never truly be friends.)

Haru pov

School ended, I went to the gym to get ready for our game. I had so much energy it was unbelievable. We were playing against spots, a highschool called Bread Tims High.

"Tanashi, just because the NBA didn't want you doesn't mean we don't so go out there and play your back out!" Coach shouted

I ran out to the court I could see Ken,Trey,Even Taka they were all waving and cheering me on.

We where in the fourth quarter when I felt a tug on my heart. The ball slipped out my hand and the other team scored.

"Timeout!" Our coach yelled

"What the hell!My man Tanashi what happened we had a clear shot? He asked me

I looked at my teammates who seemed disappoint, so I couldn't say I felt something wrong with me.

"Sorry coach I just lost balance" I said

"Lost balance? What the hell Tanashi don't pull that crap again. Get out there and play" he shouted.

The buzzard went off and We still had a minute left. I slowly started to fell dizzy.

"Tanashi what the hell!" The coach screamed

My mind was going blank. I felt a painful pull in my heart. I could stand still.







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