"Everything." I whispered to Damon throwing my arms around Damon's neck and letting the tears fall.

"We are together now. I'll be alive and I'll try to avoid going out during the full moon. We can finally be together. How can anything possibly be wrong?"

I pulled back to look into his eyes. They were filled with worry, and confusion.

"Everything comes with a price."

"What?" He asked. "What'd you do Kayla?"

"I saved your life." I whispered.

In a split second, I was sitting on the bed alone, and Damon was pacing on the floor next to the bed.

"What did you do?" He asked for the second time, running his hands through his hair, worriedly.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my feet on the floor and my eyes glued to them, not ready to face Damon.

Damon was suddenly on his knees in front of me, my face cupped in his hands.

"Where'd you get the cure from?" He asked. I could see the tears welled up in his eyes, that weren't falling.

I gulped, mustering up all the courage I could. "Klaus."

My voice was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for Damon to hear.

He hissed and his body began to shake.

"Whatever he did, I will kill him!" Damon shouted standing up and walking towards the open window.

"Damon!" I shouted.

He ignored me, and pulled the curtains, making the rod fall down off of the wall and crash onto the floor.

"Why would you go to him out of all the people?" He asked. His fists were clenched, and so was his jaw. I could tell he was trying to restrain his anger and not raise his voice at me.

"His blood was needed to save your life!" I shouted at him. "I couldn't just let you die."

"What are you giving him in return?" He asked, "Everything comes with a price, right? What are you paying with?" His back was still facing me.

"I'm paying with my life." I finally said my voice not as loud as before. "Today I have to leave and I don't know when I'll be back or if I ever will. I've become a slave."

Damon's fist came back, and hit the wall hard. A loud boom echoed through the room as pieces of the broken wall fell down. A hole the size of Damon's fist took it's place.

"No!" Damon shouted, turning towards me. "Your not going! I won't allow it!"

"I wasn't asking for permission!" I yelled looking right into Damon's eyes. The hurt that was present in his eyes made me calm down a little. It hurt knowing that I had caused him so much pain. It won't even stop then, we will both be more than heartbroken once I leave.

I closed my eyes, breathing in and out trying to regain my thoughts. I had to put this as nicely as possible, but make my point... It's for the better of us both.

"Look Damon, I'm sorry, but this is what has to be done. Klaus has promised to rip apart every one I know, and I can't be that selfish. And maybe he can't defeat all of us, but he will definitely kill some and I'm not willing to be anymore selfish right now."

Tears fell from Damon's eyes, and I could feel my heart breaking, piece by piece. So much could have been avoided if Damon and I didn't stop talking for such a small reason. All because of a fight between us about Elena. We could've been together right now, if I didn't go to rescue Caroline and Tyler alone that day.

I made a mistake, and now I'm paying with my life.

Tears fell from my eyes, as I moved forwards and crashed into Damon's chest. My hands found their way around Damon's torso, as my silent cry became loud sobs.

Damon was stiff at first, but hearing my sobs, he immediately wrapped his arms around me securing me from the rest of the world.

I felt like every evil in the world was minimal and Damon was protecting me from it all.

After a few minutes of just hugging, Damon pulled back and reality hit me hard.

Maybe this was the one thing that Damon can't possibly protect me from. I dug myself deep in this time, and I'm being buried inside. As insane as it sounds, I can feel the control that I have in life seeping away, little by little.

"I love you Kayla! And I don't care who I have to battle for it. I don't care if it costs my life, I will do anything and everything to keep you." Damon confessed, looking me dead in my eyes. His eyes showed nothing but sincerity and love as his hands wove themselves around my waist.

I knew that Damon was not going to let me go, and I had to rip the bandage off quick and fast.

I moved my hands up to his face, caressing his cheeks. "Damon, I love you. I think I always have.... And I know I always will. Maybe fait just doesn't want us together right now, but if we are meant to be we'll meet again." Damon's eyes widened at my confession as I realized that I had never actually confessed my feelings to him this intimitely. "I believe that we rushed our relationship, just a little bit, but I don't regret any part of it. What I do regret is leaving you and being so stubborn about it. I wish we had more time so we can spend eternity together, but our happily ever after can not began now."

I looked towards him and could see the vulnerability in his eyes, and he and I both knew what choice I was making tonight.

"I'm sorry, but I love you too much. I give you permission to move on, but I don't think I'd be able to. I want to be selfish and tell you to wait for me, but I don't think I'll ever be back this time."

With that being said, and my feelings out in the open, I snapped his head, as his limp body fell to the floor.

I leaned down and pecked his lips one last time.

"I love you, always have always will." I whispered.

I grabbed his blanket from his bed, and draped it over him. I knew that when Stefan finds him like that, he'll get the message.

With one last look at him, I leaped out the window, on my way to hell.


Authors Note

:'( there it is..... the last chapter...

But there is a sequel, that is out!

I've honestly had a great time writing this chapter! i've enjoyed every moment of it! it's been a hell of a year, and I swear, coming on and reading your guys' amazing comments makes my day!!!

Thank you allll soo much for everything!

For all the votes, every single read, every damn comment!

I appreciate it all soo much, and i thank you all for sticking with me till the end!!!

Thanks for reading my sometimes annoying book, my sometime horrid book! I don't have the best spelling and grammar, or the best writing, so Thanks for Never complaining!

Sometimes I update really late, and my updates are super short and you guys never compain! although I have not been the best writer, thanks for being absolutely awesome, amazing and supportive readers!!

This has honestly been a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to writing the sequel and enjoying it along with you guys!!

Love you guys!!!


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