"You look gorgeous Bella" I complimented as I sunk into her blanket, her cheeks heating up almost instantly. I never mean to embarrass her, but I won't stop telling her how perfect she is.

"You don't look too bad yourself" she giggled, putting on a shimmery powder on her cheekbones. I never understood makeup, and when I did, the trends would always change. The closest thing to makeup I can do reasonable, is body paint. Face painting being a necessity when you work for a youth ministry. "Okay, I'm done. Sorry I was a bit delayed"

"Don't apologise for anything Jen, can I just say one more thing?" I smiled, her eyebrows furrowing cluelessly as she nodded.

"This is most definitely looking like a date" I grinned, Jenna's eyes rolling as she pushed passed me to get to the door.


Jenna's POV

The restaurant looked definitely out of both of our price range, the large chandeliers hanging on the ceiling giving away that this place was scarily expensive. I repeatedly asked Tyler if we were in the right place, everytime he just laughed and told me not to worry. How can I not worry when I know this boy is going to go off and spend a fortune on me? Some girls would love a guy always spending money on them, but I don't want Tyler to be spending money on me when it could be going to something important. Like he could buy new music equipment, or even save up for a new car? I don't know, anything is more important than me.

When we finally sat down at a table, it dawned on me that it was reserved, meaning Tyler had already booked the reservation before asking me. I could feel the heat of my cheeks rising again, my fingers trying to cover up so the red doesn't show. How can he be so sweet and so caring? How is it that I can't find one flaw in him at all? How does he have me falling for him when I promised myself I wouldn't?

So many questioned that I knew would always be unanswered, and I knew I couldn't help but at least try and keep some sort of wall up. Finally, we ordered, I chose one of the cheapest things I could find, Tyler on the other hand, went all out.

"Hungry?" I giggled, watching as the waiter distanced.

"Just a little bit" he smiled, leaning his shoulders in the table. Even though the weather was cool, inside it was a nice temperature, giving our apparel suitability. I could see all of Tyler's arms, the simplistic yet intricate designs flowing up his left sleeve. He also had other tattoos on his right arm, obviously unable to make out. I liked tattoos, just not on me. There was no possible way I would agree to getting one, mostly because I hate needles. I'm too anxious to even consider it, something being on me forever is scary, because in the future, it could possibly pass as ugly.

Tyler's tattoos will never outdate though. They fit him in a way no one can describe, and it was obvious he will always carry them with pride.

"People are looking at us" Tyler smiled, earning a confused look from myself.

"What? Why?" I asked, an awful wave of self consciousness coming over me

"Probably because we're matching" he smirked, myself freezing as I analysed our clothes.

"Oh wow, I didn't even notice" I practically face palmed, watching as the boy in front of me giggled in his seat.

"Floral suits you, maybe we can match more often" he said, leaning in on his elbow

"Next we'll be making flower crowns and frolicking in the garden" I joked, pushing a stand of hair out of my face.

"Doesn't sound too bad" Tyler smiled, a comfortable silence beginning to settle. "Anyway, how has everything been, like are you enjoying Ohio? It's kind of boring but I guess you can find some interesting things in it" he spoke again, obviously trying not to make the conversation end

"To be honest, I probably would of been completely uncomfortable if it wasn't for meeting you" I sighed, "the only people I actually talk to is because you introduced me to all your friends"

"And they love you by the way" he winked, earning another blush from me. My cheeks were somewhat uncontrollable, but I happened to get used to it.

"I want to thank you for actually trying to befriend me, I know I'm tough work sometimes" I chuckled, Tyler's head shaking as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Not at all Jenna, for some reason I just felt like I needed to speak to you, and thank God I did, because here we are" Tyler smiled, revealing his crooked teeth that suited him so well. Gosh, everything about him suited him.

"Here we are" I repeated, sensing Tyler's hands creep on top of mine on the table, the warmth coming from his skin was so comforting, I couldn't bare to move. It felt right, but so wrong at the same time.


"C-Can I stay at yours?" I asked, breaking the silence as we drove in Tyler's car.

"Sure Bella, Everything okay?" He asked, the reassurance in his voice making everything calm in my body.

"I'm not working tomorrow, and I just like staying at your house" I replied awkwardly. How are you supposed to cover up the only reason why you want to stay is because your not ready to leave his side?

"Well that's a coincidence, I'm not working either, the shops closed for some maintenance" he smiled, looking back over to me in excitement.

"Oh cool, can I just wear some of your clothes for tonight, I don't want you to go to the trouble of going to my house"

"No problem" he smiled, allowing the silence grow between us once again. I leaned my head against the cold window as I watched the street lights go by. The night was calm, as if we were the only ones awake, like we were the only ones out here. I liked being alone with Tyler, it was just a sense of comfort knowing someone I trust is here with me, and for some reason, I can already say I can rely my life on him.

Eventually the car turned into Tyler's driveway, his keys clinking together as we made our way to the front door. Before he unlocked the door, he turned to me, his breath deepening.

"I just want to say before we go in, I had an amazing night" Tyler smiled

"Me too Ty, I really like hanging out with you, you didn't need to spend so much money though"

"I'd spend all the money in the world on you if it made you happy"

"I wouldn't let you do that"

"But will you let me do this?" He smirked, leaning in quickly before I could reply. His lips pressed deeply onto mine, as if he had been waiting to do it for a while. It shocked me at first, but soon I relaxed, giving in to his touch. I practically melted into him, craving more once he split.

"I-I" I felt myself stutter over and over again, watching as the brown eyed boy stared back at me.

"Was that okay?" He asked cautiously

"That was super corny" I giggled, earning a smile from Tyler, "but yes, that was okay"

I could feel my bottom lip being gnawed at by my teeth as soon as we walked through the front door, so many feelings were flowing through me, I didn't know what to think.

All I knew is that I kissed Tyler Joseph, and as much as I want to stop myself, I can't help but want him even more.

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