Chapter 27

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Demi's POV:

After the phone calls we answered a few more questions before ending the live stream, I can't believe we was doing it for an hour and a half.

"Okay I think I'm gonna go home now" Selena smiled.

"What no girl are crazy, when I said stay I meant stay the night, come on we're having fun aren't we, we could watch films and just chill please"

"Okay fine I'll stay!"

"Scary movies" I grinned.

"Scary movies" Selena agreed.

"I hate you both" Melanie said and we both giggled.

"Aww baby don't worry I'll protect you"

"Insidious?" Selena said.

"Let's do it" I grinned.

I bought the big quilt down off my bed and I say in the middle as Selena and Melanie both snuggled up to me, I love this, I wish we could have a picture I bet we all look so cute right now.

Melanie had her face in my chest throughout the whole movie but hey I wasn't complaining, me and Selena would jump and then laugh cause it wasn't really that scary.

"You two are so weird" Melanie said lifting her head but not looking at the telly.

"It's not scary baby watch it, I promise you, you'll probably just end up laughing" I smiled at her.

"Nope I'm good with my head where it was" she smiled and I winked at her.

Melanie laid her head on my lap and actually started to watching the film but as soon as a scary bit came up she literally jumped off the chair and me and Selena was in hysterics.

"Yeah more like you guys laughing at me" Melanie pouted.

"Aww I'm sorry baby" I said still giggling.

Melanie got back on the sofa laying her head back on me but this time facing my stomach, she lifted up my jumper planting small kisses giving me butterflies.

I smiled down at her and she smiled back up at me.

"The films finished beautiful" I told her.

"Oh thank god, I'm dying for a wee, but I'm scared" she pouted.

I laughed at her she was so cute.

"Come on" I stood up taking her hand walking stayed in the bathroom while she had a wee.

"ThankYou for coming with me" Melanie smiled her hands on my hips.

"Anything for you gorgeous" I grinned pecking her lips.

She smiled before pulling my face back to hers pressing her lips hard against mine, she kissed me with So much passion making me go weak in the knees, I gripped hold of the side behind me making Melanie pull back and giggle.

"Do I make you that weak baby" she grinned.

I nodded my head biting my lip not being able to speak.

"You're so cute" Melanie whispered her lips on mine again as her hands trailed down my waistband squeezing my arse before rubbing her fingers against my hole.

"F...fuck" I shook my knuckles turning white as I gripped the side tightly.

Melanie smiled pulling her hand out pecking my lips and walking out of the bathroom.

"That was just plain mean" I said trailing after her.

"So is making me watch a scary film" she smirked.

"Well I'm gonna make you watch another one now" I smirked back.

"You wouldn't dare" she said with horror all over her face.

"Oh but my sweet girl I would" I spanked her before running into the front room and seeing Selena had already put insidious 2 in waiting to play it.

"Can't watch the first and not the second" I grinned sitting back in my seat.

"I hate you both" Melanie sulked sitting next to me but her arms were folded not touching me.

"Aww come babe cuddle" I said putting my arm out but she denied me.


"Fine, you'll be in my arms eventually when you get scared"

"No I won't"

"Yes you will"

10 minutes into the film I looked over at Melanie, she had her hands spread over her face peeping through her fingers, I couldn't help but giggle at her.

Melanie screamed at something on the telly and jumped in my lap.

"Told you" I mumbled into her ear kissing her neck.

"Shut up" she said embarrassed.

After insidious 2 it was nearly 3am and Melanie was scared out of her mind.

"Can we watch a happy film now, cause there's no way I'm sleeping with that creepy face in my head" Melanie pouted.

"What do you want to watch beautiful?" I asked her.

"Princess diaries 2" she grinned and I giggled.

"I love that film, it's much better than the first one" Selena smiled.

"Agreed" Melanie said cheering up a bit.

"Okay princess's I'll put the film on" I smiled jumping up to change the DVD.

20 minutes into the film Melanie was happy, she had her head on my lap smiling watching the film, I ran my hands through her hair and watched her, Selena's head was on my shoulder, her eyes opening and closing every now and then.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Night Sel love you" I whispered.

"Love you dems" she mumbled sleepily hugging my arm as she drifted off.

I continued to watch the film as Melanie soon fell asleep too, I continued to run my fingers through her hair as the credit rolled on the screen.

I love these two girls so much, they're my world.

To be continued....


So I kinda wrote this one while laying in the bath haha weird I know so yeah hope you enjoyed it :)



Lily x

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