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"Dont worry I'll be right here,lar? Its been 2 months now, please wake up" I heard a girl cry right below my hips

"Lauren?  Honey? I think its time to go" I heard another one. How many are they in here?

I started to open my eyes slowly
"Daddy?"  Were the only first words that came out of my mouth

When I opened my eyes there was 2 girls in front of me I knew who exactly who was that green eyes latina, she's my sister

"Lara?" She said between sobs

"Who are you?" "Where am I?" "Where's daddy?"

And the doctor came rushing in

"Good morning sweety" He checked my body.

"Doc? Why doesn't my sister remember me?"

"Its okay she's gonna get them back, she's suffering from amnesia"

I wasn't I just didn't want to remember her, That girl beside Lauren came closer to me

"Mija? Hello, My names camila" she said and smiled


"Yes sweetie, Im Laurens wife" I was shocked shes married?!  My sisters married?! 

"Oh" Were the only words that came out of my mouth

Seems like lauren and the doctor finished talking, because the doctor came closer to me

"Im gonna have to go now okay? Follow what your sister says"

"Sister?" I said looking at Lauren

"Yes sweetie shes your sister, Im gonna go now I'll be back later"

I nodded, and looked at Lauren lauren on the othed hand came closer

"Hi" she said

"Who are you?" She looks at me with that 'this sucks' look

"Im your sister, you might not remember me now little one but, we use to be so close"

"Where were you on my birthday s?" Feeling a tear roll down my cheek

"I....I.. Kinda.... left.." she said looking down


"I wasn't ready sweetie" really?  Really?!  Screw you!


Then the door opened

"Daddy!" I shouted

"Hello mija"

"Dad? Who are these guys?"

I said seeing Lauren stood up

"Morning jhon"

"Morning lauren, too you too camila"

"Sweetie?  Thats your sister right their" pointing at Lauren I nodded

"And that over their is her wife ca-" I cut him off

"Camila" I smiled at her and she smiled back

"Good you met her"

Time passed and the doctor said I can go home on Wednesday it still Monday..  I Don't want to stay here its so boring, I heard the door open

"Lauren" I said and notice the smile on her face

"Hello little one, I got you something " she handed me a box

"What is it?" I questioned

"Its a iPhone 6s, I noticed you were bored so I bought you this"

"Thank you"

"Lara? Don't you remember anything?

"Yes" was all I thought But I didn't have the courage to say it

"Im sorry, I really don't"

"Its okay, Umm me and Camila are gonna go back to the hotel for awhile okay?"


She kissed my temples I smiled and saw her slowly leave the room, I do, I remember everything I just don't want to she hurt me too much Why didn't I just die?! Just kill me already.. 

A/N Yow?! How was it? Remember if you have any requests just follow me on Twitter INFINITEVANDAL1 And No Not Looking for followers Im not that interested,  ohh and sorry for the typos you understand right? Bye!!!  Hang in their sweetie


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