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Lara's POV

Zoe: How ya doin?

Lara: fine

Zoe: you told them yet?

L: bout what?

Z: the fake amnesia thing

L: no i won't

Z: sure.. anyway where did you get that phone?

Z: let me guess your rich sister gave it?

L: yah.. you know what I'll talk to you later sis and her wife arrived

Z: okay, bye love you

L: love you too,

"Hi" lauren spoke

I just smiled and looked at the window

"Lara?, are you still mad?"

I still didn't answer

"Lara, I know your mad because I left but -"

I cut her off

"Do you really think im  mad because you left? No! I was mad because you weren't their thru the years and I hated it so much"

I couldn't help but cry, still looking at the window

"Lara?, Please listen, I love you okay I left because I wanted to give you a better life than just staying in that place, I swear there wasn't a single day that I didn't think how were you, I kept thinking if your okay, But you your too busy hating me"

I felt tears rolling down, I think she's right, I think I was too busy hating her I didn't have the Time to think of how was she, Am I being too mean?

"I don't care, If you hate me or not, lara? I'm  Gonna do my best"

Great now both of us are crying

"Babe?, she's ready to go home" Camila said

"Mija? Me and Lauren made a deal, your gonna stay with Camila and Lauren till they go back to miami"


"But Dad!"

"No buts, Only your in Lauren's house"

I just nodded and gave them that
"This Sucks" look

"Now...Let Go"

Lauren offered me her hand but walked pass it

"See you in 4 weeks mija"

I nodded

"Lara? Lets go" Camila offered and smiled
The ride was expected "AWKWARD"

"So Lara?, where do you go to school?" Lauren Asked

"CST, Oh yeah can you go to my meeting? Lauren?" I tried to be nice

"Sure, when is it?" She said focusing on the road

"Tomorrow first period"

"I'll Be their Lar"

We arrived at their apartment, well what can I say? Its huge yes its huge, Well its in black and white, hmmm classy

"So? Where's my room?"

"The hall to the right" Camila said

Wow! My room is awesome and it had a computer in it not just any computer it was a iMac, These guys are rich.

Time passed and well I was bored what the heck am I going to do in here?

"Lara?" Someone knocked

"Yeah?!, come in"

"Lar? We're going to the park in 15mins change okay?"

I just nodded and got up

Finally Im done I was just wearing a T-shirt that says "Chillen" and some shorts, and nike sneaker thats all I got, Maybe for now, I know "Sis" will buy some clothes

"Lara?!.lets go!"


"You look good Mija" Camila said I smiled

"Thank you"

"Oh! I know! After this we're going shopping, Right baby?" Camila said looking at Lauren

"Ahhhh.. Do we have to?" I giggled with laurens respond
And she seem to notice it,

"Yes!" Camila shouts

"Fine, Just behave"
Lauren said and kisses Camilla

"Oh .. My... Get A Room!" I said and ran towards the car both of them followed, Entering the car I placed my ear buds in place and when camila and Lauren got in they gave me that "your dead" look


Both of them got out of the car and went towards me, I tried and closed both doors but Failed both of them are now beside my face

"1 .... 2..... Now!" Lauren Screamed

"What?... Ewww!" I said when both if them kissed my cheek

"Their" Camila said

"Gross!" I yelled and both of them laughed

"Lauren?! What was that for?!"

"What? It was Camilas Idea alright?" She said still laughing

I didn't expect this but I laughed too, In my entire life I have never felt so happy. Wait.. When will I tell her? Bout the amnesia thing, Im scared, ahh. ILL just enjoy for a bit though I'll figure it out on the way

"Baby? Come on let's go shopping please? I'm so bored" Camila said
"FINE! Just don't look at me like that" Lauren said and kisses Camilla

"Okay gross" I said

"Okay Mija, Lets go" Camila said grabbing my wrist

"Lara? Can I talk to for a second?" Lauren said

"Babe? I'll wait for you in the car" Lauren hugged Camilla And nodded

"Lara, Please tell me the truth, are you still mad?, And if you are what can I do?" She said serious

"Hmm.. Lauren To be honest I am" I said and looked at her she was some kind of disappointed

"But, you can make up to me by buying me new shoes" I said with a wide smile

"Really?!  Thats It?, Okay, How many do you need? 12? 15?"

"No! Just 1 or 2 maybe" I said and looked at her

"Okay then! Le go" she said excitedly

"So? Where are we going?" Camila said looking at her phone

"Off To The Mall!" Lauren said Excitedly

"Okay?" Camila Said and looked at me

"Long story" I said and she smiles

"Part Jauregui" ♚CAMREN♚Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang