Host: Soul Eater

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Soul sat down on a nearby couch a bit anxiously. He was too cool to be scared. They were just a few girls. right?

Soul's anxieties were immediately supressed when three young ladies stepped up to where he was sitting. "Your new here, right?" Said the short haired blonde one who looked to be the youngest of the three.

"Uh... ya. The name's Soul."

"What an interesting name. My name's Paige. So, why'd you join the Host Club?" The blonde one said sitting down next to Soul along with the other two girls.

"oh, uh... I guess I joined 'cause I liked the cool nature of this club."

"You seem a little nervous." A darker haired one with her hair pulled back into a ponytail spoke up.

"Nah, a cool guy like me scared of a few beautiful ladies. No way." Soul said a bit more confidently as he leaned back in his seat.

The three girls laughed. "My name's Izabel by the way." The pony-tailed one said a bit more loudly.

"Mine's Sarah." The final girl with red hair and mousy features spoke after. "I heard you come from a family of musician. Can you play anything?"

"Well I can play the piano a bit."

"No way!" Paige exclaimed. "You have to play for us sometime!"

"I heard Tamaki-senpai can also play, are you better than him?" Asked Izabel.

"Uh, I've never heard Tamaki play so I'm not sure if I'm better. And I don't really like performing in front of other people."

"Aww! He's shy! HOW CUTE!!!" The three girls exclaimed.

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