Chapter 1: An Incoming Message

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  • Dedicated to Beatrice Kovacs

Hi, this is my first story that I'm writing, so I figured I'd make it a Doctor Who Fan-Fiction and see where it takes me. It will include the tenth doctor, and several of the companions. I'm not sure who and how yet, but this is an idea I have in mind. Tell me if you like it, and if there is enough interest, I will post another chapter. Please vote and comment! All rights of course go to BBC besides the characters I create. Thanks for your time, I hope you like it!


An Incoming Message

Soft whispers surrounded me, all of them were very quiet and yet distinguished. It was very dark as I stared out my window and looked down at the mass of white snow which filled the streets of New York City. I had this feeling of uncertainty, as if I knew something or someone was watching me. I couldn't quite place it.

As I pulled on my bathrobe, I stared once more out the window. A blue police box had appeared almost as if out of nowhere. Raising my eyes curiously, I looked out in confusion. What was the blue box doing there? And how did it get there?

"I could've sworn," I mumbled staring out at the blue box once more before heading out of my room.

I wrapped my arms around myself to fight off the chill as I put on my red slippers and opened the front door. A rush of cold air hit me straight in the face. I clutched my warm bathrobe tighter as I ventured out into the cold.

The whispers had started up again, only louder than before. How did I forget that they were there? Walking out into the snow, I felt almost pulled towards something.

It was the blue box, it was calling me. Though none of it seemed to make sense, I followed my instincts and walked towards the blue box. The whispers grew louder and louder, which made me only believe that they had to be coming out of that box.

Had I gone insane? Was I the only one hearing this? The only other sound I could hear was the crunching of the snow as I continued to walk further. I couldn't take it any longer. Breaking out into a sprint, I watched the blue box grow larger in size as I neared it.

I huffed as I stumbled upon the box. It almost shone amidst all the snow and yet it was barely covered in any of it. Resting my hand on the blue box, I leaned my head against the side trying to listen. The whispers grew softer and harder to understand as I squinted trying hard to listen.

Something was calling me, I was certain of it. A voice arose amidst the others. It spoke solely as the whispers died out.

"Find me."

It beckoned to me as it grew louder. I jumped back scared out of my wits and fell straight on my bottom.

I stared up at the blue box once more. Standing up slowly, I reached out to let my fingers graze against the blue box.

Images flashed through my mind instantly.

A tall skinny man with short brown wavy hair and a long brown coat stared right back at me. He pulled out a device that looked like a screwdriver of some sort and then pointed it straight at me.

Screams of terror as a blonde girl was surrounded by what seemed to be metal machines with menacing voices.

A red-haired girl lost in a forest with statues that looked like angels.

They looked demonic almost in appearance, even though their presence was supposed to be angelic. The scowl on their stone faces filled me with terror and made me shiver deep inside.

The images disappeared as a single voice blocked out all of the other whispers.

"Find the blue box before it's too late."

I looked up to see the same man from before grasping my hand desperately. His dark brown eyes pleaded to me, they seemed like old eyes that had seen torture and pain and yet the sadness was masked somehow behind his great spirit.

"I don't have much time Jessie, you're in danger and I won't be able to protect you."

The man seemed to look right through me, as if he knew me; but how? He was a stranger to me, and yet somehow I knew there was some connection, some link to him.

"Who are you? What are you talking about, and how do you know my name?" I asked anxiously as I stepped back suddenly and let go of his hand. I bombarded him with questions almost as fast as each one entered my mind.

His brown eyes looked hurt as I pulled away, almost as if my actions hurt him. Nevertheless, he covered it up as he spoke once more.

"There's no time left, I need your help. Find the blue box and that's where all your answers will lie."

The mysterious man, rushed back into the blue box with a look of worry spread all over his face.

"Wait!" I exclaimed.

The blue box vanished in an instant with a loud whirring sound. I was left staring at the empty space where the blue police box had been.

"What do you mean? Answers to what?" I murmured in frustration to myself.

A large beeping sound overpowered the whispers as it all faded away. I jumped up suddenly glancing all around me. I was back in my room and the only sound I could hear was the beeping of my alarm clock. Slamming my hand down to stop the blaring alarm clock, I laid back down in my bed shaken up by whatever just happened.

It seemed too vivid to be only a dream, but that's all it had to be. There was no other explanation possible. I quickly glanced out the window searching for the blue box, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe it was all a dream, but I knew somewhere in my gut that there was something I had to do and possibly someone I had to meet.

The only question was who?

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