"Yes, perhaps I should. I'll see you in a few days." mom reminds me. "Tell Dawn I said hi."

"Okay...bye." I hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch, already knowing the mistake I've made. I can hear the voices of remorse screaming in my head, saying things like why did you do that? or what have you done?.

Dawn sat down next to me and looks at me with pure confusion. "Why did you lie to mom?" she asks me.

"...I don't know." I stutter, feeling the shivers crawling down my spine. "But don't worry, I'll think of something." I said. Dawn gives me a puzzled look, until there was a knocking sound at the front door. I need to calm down. I'll figure it our one way or another. I open the door and saw Q, to our surprise.

"Hey Q!" I smile.

Q smiles back. "Hi! Listen, we still got a bunch of boxes to unpack, so we figured we could use some extra pair of hands." Q says as he points at the garage where the boxes are. "If you're not too busy or anything." Q adds, scratching his head.

I immediately accept the offer, so I ran upstairs to put on a black sweater and went to their house with Dawn. Now that mom is out of my mind, for now, Dawn and I can focus on helping out Q and Sal unpack. Dawn couldn't stop smiling. We stepped inside their new home, and how the house was build, the rooms are almost similar to the ones in our house.

The first thing we heard was Sal telling us to make sure to take our shoes off. Dawn and I giggle, remembering that Sal isn't keen on having people in the house with shoes on. It's just one of those things really. It's one of the reasons why I admire him more than anyone else.

Dawn and I took our shoes off as told by Sal and went to the garage to grab our first boxes.

"Okay, so Dawn, grab that box over there. That one goes in the kitchen." Q points at the box with the word 'kitchen' written on the side. "And Mel, you grab that box over there. That's Sal's stuff and that goes in his room." Q points at the other box, stacked on top of the other boxes, with the words 'Sal's stuff' on the side. I grab the box and took it upstairs, wondering why Q chose the box with Sal's stuff instead of any other box in the garage, like the one for the lounge.

"Sal?" I shout his name, wondering where he is.

"In here!" Sal calls. I took the first right which led me to what will be Sal's bedroom. I walk in and the structure inside is the same as my room. I took a peek through the window and I knew that window where my house is is my window. So that's cool, I guess.

I place the box down on the floor with ease. It's surprisingly light. "I brought you this." I said as soon as I stand up. "What's in it?" I ask.

Sal cocks an eyebrow up and gave me a look that the stuff in here is none of my business. I felt stupid for asking that. I mentally did a facepalm on my face, feeling humiliated. "I was just...wondering...it's just...light...so I..." I stutter, but Sal changed his look and gave me a small smirk, locking his eyes into mine. His green eyes were hard to resist to look away.

"Don't worry about it. You should probably help Q out." Sal suggests, still smiling at me as he adjusts his glasses like he did at the party. "I got this." I slowly nod, feeling relieved that he let me off the hook. I ran back downstairs to grab another box, only to find Q leaning against the wall, like he's waiting for me. He's panting. I gave him a strange look.

"I thought you're helping Sal out." Q says to me.

"Yeah, and then he said that's he's got it under control and told me to help you out! And I can see why..." I shot back with a smile, looking at Q still panting, his hands resting on his knees.

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