Chapter 36.

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"She's pregnant"

I literally felt like someone smacked me with a fucken pan, I came back to reality and stood up straight from the couch.

"She's... Wh...what?" I furrowed my eyebrows
"With who-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, and his phone already rung

He frowned when he looked at his screen, giving me a last glance.

"I have to take this" he turned around and left


"Yah! Woo Hye! Did you tell him? Oh my gosh please don't!" I yelled through the phone, bitting on my nail
"I... I told him"

My hands suddenly became dead, it fell completely on my lap. While the other still held my phone to my ear.

"Gwenchana?" He asked
"Di.. Did you tell him who th-"
"No I didn't"

I sighed in relief.

"Please don't tell him... I'll do it on my own"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am..."
"Well... I have to go, come back soon"
"Soon... I will soon" I sighed, slightly smiling

He hung up, as my phone dropped to my lap and I stared blankly on the screen.


Out of the hospital for quite a long time now, but I never really thought of moving back to Seoul. It's so stressful, I don't want anything to do with Jungkook either. Sung Yeol could be a crazy little bitch like Na Mi beating me up to death along with my baby. But I haven't even dropped out of my campus either I only went to surgery. Finally today I made the decision of going back, my flight was Friday morning.

The fresh smell of Seoul, the cool breeze that always blows through my face when I reach Seoul. I'm happy I am back, but a few things make me unhappy and uneasy. 1st Jungkook, 2nd Sung Yeol, 3rd campus. I'm just frustrated, I can't even force a smile on. Everything is so stressful, I waited for a taxi to take me back to my house, yes the house Woo Hye bought. Everything is so dusty but at the same time neat and organized. I didn't bother making a call to Woo Hye that I have return. I knew that Jungkook would just make me more stressed out if he found out i'm back. It's actually pretty late now, my body is tired out and I was hungry. There was nothing I could do, so I called for Pizza. I know I might seem fat for always ordering pizza but you should know why I am ordering it. I decided to clean the house up until the pizza arrived, eventually the doorbell rung after a while.

"Here's your pepperoni pizza!"
"Nae, komawo" I smiled
"Enjoy your pizza" he shot me a smile
"I'll eat well"

He just left and I was about to close the door but something blocked it. I tried harder to pull the door closed but it just wouldn't, I turned around... And only found Jungkook standing there with his feet blocking the doorway.

"Jungkook please leave me alone..." I plead
"Where have you been?"
"It's none of your business"

I let him be and set the pizza on the coffee table by the couch. He followed behind and took my wrist.

"Tell me, where have you been for 3 months? Without telling me anything and then suddenly Woo Hye tells me you're pregnant"

I swallowed my spit hard, hearing him say that. I finally looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah I am, and whats that have to do with you?" A smirk plastered on my face
"Thats our child is it?" He smirked as well

It was... But I don't want Sung Yeol to go crazy. I don't want bad things to happen to me or Jungkook anymore. I had to lie.

"Answer me is it?" He pulled my wrist again
"... It's not" I answered with a shaky voice
"Mwo?" He furrowed his eyebrows
"It's not our child..."
"Then... Who's is it?" He tilt his head, giving me a serious look
"... Woo Hye's"

Notice Me... |Jungkook |COMPLETED|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ