Chapter 25.

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"Mwo?" I said confused and shocked on how he knows
"I heard the conversation"
"What conversation?" I asked trying to sound like I don't know
"You know, so stop acting" he looked deeply into my eyes
"I don't know what you're talking about Jungkook."
"Why are you here?" He tightens his grip
"To study... Why do you care?"
"Why do you keep running away from me?"
"I'm not running away... Theres no reason to"
"Who exactly are you?"
"... If you don't mind can you let go so I can go to sleep?" I said looking down at his hands
"I'm not letting go unless you tell me"
"Tell you what Jungkook? I have nothing else to tell you?!" I argued back
"Jamie! You're that one girl who kept telling me that you were in Sung Yeol's body! Are you?!" He yelled in a angry tone
"I'm Kim Soo Hyun... Not Jamie, leave me alone I don't want to cause any trouble." I smiled and took his hand off my wrist and walked inside


Today was the day I will be going to school to study. I did my daily routine and put light makeup on. I threw on a white graphic tee on and light blue jeans. Topping it off with my white converse.

"Forgot I dropped my phone..." I sighed

I took a taxi to my school, when I got off there was a telephone booth. I decided to call Woo Hye quickly before classes start.

"Yobseyo?" He answered
"Woo Hye, it's me Jamie"
"What phone are you using? What happened to your phone?" He asked
"My phone dropped into the Han River yesterday... Mianhnae" I sighed
"Yah... Gwenchana, I'll buy you a new phone. By the way I found a house near mines it's for sale."
"I'm getting it for you, it's not that expensive and so that you don't always have to stay in that small hotel room"
"Mwo?! Wae?! Woo Hye thats too much! Don't even dare!" I shouted through the phone
"Yah! Your squeaky voice is going to pop my eardrums so shut up!." He argued back
"Don't buy it!"
"I already did ha! By the way i'll be moving your stuff there. So when you're done with school come straight home arrasso?" He laughed
"Aish... Woo Hye I cannot believe you, where do you get all those money from?" I asked feeling guilty
"I earn it"
"Aish... I can't thank you enough you pabo! Thank you so much I fucken love you!" I laughed
"Of course you do"
"Class is starting in a couple of minutes, Mianhnae i'm hanging up. I'll talk to you later"
"Arrasso, study hard"

I smiled and hung up, heading to class.


I was about to head back to Seoul's Hotel, but just remembered what Woo Hye told me. Like always I took a taxi and arrived pretty quickly, I rung his doorbell but no one opened. Just than he came out of this other house.

"Woo Hye how come you're in that house?"
"Cleaning up this is yours" he smiled
"Yeah! Come in"

I walked over to him and walked in, there wasn't much but there was a bed in one of the room.

"Is this mines?" I asked
"Wah... You already set everything up" I laughed
"Of course, you can live comfortably now. I'm getting a bit tired, if you need anything come over or call me" he smiled
"I don't have a phone" I raised an eyebrow
"Right there" he pointed to my luggage that had a box standing there
"Wow... I can't believe you" I laughed and hugged him tightly



I walked to my favorite restaurant that made the best kimbap. Just when I entered I saw Taehyung sitting there drinking. I walked over to him and sat on the chair next to him.

"Taehyung, why are you drinking at this time?" I asked
"Sung Yeol... Drink with me..." He laughed
"You're drunk Taehyung stop drinking." I took his cup away from him
"Ani! I am not yet!"
"You already are stop, let me take you home. Oh wait wheres your house?" I asked
"I don't know..." He replied
"Aish... I'll just take you to mines"

I threw his arm around my neck and dragged him out without even eating.


My whole body was aching from carrying him all the way home. I threw him harshly on the bed, and let out a loud sigh.

"Aish... Why would you go out and drink at this time?"

Just when I was about to leave to get a wet towel to wipe his face. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my to lay besides him.

"Don't go..." He said with his eyes closed
"Taehyung... Let go right now" I struggled to get out  of his grip
"Stay with me i'm scared..."
"Let go! If Jungkook saw he'll misunderstand me!"
"Why do you love him so much? What about me?!" He yelled
".... Mianhnae Taehyung, I love Jungkook not you."

I finally escaped from his grip, and was about to get up to leave. When he grabbed my wrist again, I lost my balance and fell back flat on my bed, he crawled on top of me and pinned me to the bed.

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