Chapter 8.

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For a moment I was shocked from his sudden action, when I came back to reality. I used all my strength to push him away, as our lips parted he smirked at me about to say something when I slapped his cheek so hard my hands hurted as well.

"What the fuck was that for?! Do you see me just like all those other girls?!" I shouted at him angrily

He remained silent, holding onto his cheek and was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Forget it! I fucken hate you!, you're such an asshole! For a moment you said my personal shit was not important she was important , and now you fucken kiss me?!" I pushed him out of the way and walked out angrily
"Sung Yeol!"

I stormed back into class and sat down in my seat with my arms crossed. He followed behind and bust into the room coming my way, but I grabbed my backpack and left.

"Sung Yeol wait!" He shouted

I ignored him and kept walking, I didn't care if the teacher saw me i'm angry at this moment, to the point I could stab everyone. He followed behind and grabbed onto my wrist. I pulled away without even looking at him, again he grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

"Let go..."
"Sung Yeol... Mianhnae, I just was really mad at the moment" he confessed
"I don't care about your anger, I care about my personal shit" I copied him and pulled my hand away

He caught up to me and tried to make me face him again, which made me even more angry.

"Jungkook! Hajima! Just leave me the fuck alone!" I shouted angry

He stopped when I said that, behind me I heard no more footsteps.

After walking out of school I finally reached my house, I sighed loudly and opened it.

"Sung Yeol... Jebal..." A familiar voice behind me said

I was frighten at the sudden voice cause I thought no one was following me. I turned around quickly to find him again.

"Jungkook ka!"
"Mianhnae, I didn't mean to kiss you"
"You're an asshole for caring about that little bitch more than me"
"I still have feelings for her"
"I don't care about your feelings"
"Wae-yo?" He asked confused
"Thats what you said, you don't care about my personal stuff" I shrugged
"Dude! I said i'm sorry!" He pleaded
"Uh... Apology not accepted" I turned around and entered my house

Before I could close the door his foot was between the crack to prevent the door from closing.

"Move please" I kicked his foot but he was too quick and got his foot back to place again
"Oh my gosh Jungkook! Get your annoying little clingy ass out of here!" I said annoyed as hell
"Remember I forgot my keys, your house is the only place I could sleep in"
"Hahahaha!" I laughed "fuck no! Naga! Taehyung! Go to him!" Back to my serious face
"He wouldn't find me food like you do, and he would tell me to sleep out in the garage!"
"Wow! What a great friend!, thats good enough, I mean I would of done worst. Like make you sleep outside with no blanket and pillow in the trash can, and give you no food"
"Jebal! Just let me stay one more night!" He pouted
"NO!" I shut the door closed and ran to my room


I turned my phone on and found a whole bunch of messages from Jungkook, and I honestly don't know how I even got his number and put the name "My Kookie ❤️" down.

My Kookie ❤️: bitch! Open the door!
My Kookie ❤️: i'm kidding Sung Yeol! Open the door, it's late and it's cold out! Please love me!
My Kookie ❤️: my lips are turning purple because it's cold!
My Kookie ❤️: i'll even take a picture for you.
My Kookie ❤️: *

*Me: Oh shit! Scared the hell out of me, you look fucken ugly!My Kookie ❤️: stahhhhpppp, open the dooorrrrrMe: um

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Me: Oh shit! Scared the hell out of me, you look fucken ugly!
My Kookie ❤️: stahhhhpppp, open the dooorrrrr
Me: um... Who's even that dude?
My Kookie ❤️: oh some random dude walking by and I told him to get in the picture 😂
Me: and your clothes? Thats not even our uniform...
My Kookie ❤️: I brought an extra shirt just in case
Me: what the fuck... And your lips aren't even purple
My Kookie ❤️: i'm just playingg, anyways open the door!
Me: no shut up.

~You have removed My Kookie ❤️'s name

My Kookie ❤️: my nameeeeee! 😭😭

~ You have changed unknown number's name to Annoying Giraffe boy 😒

My Kookie ❤️: oh hell nah! It's on!
Me: fight me!
My Kookie ❤️: I will!

Notice Me... |Jungkook |COMPLETED|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن