Chapter 20.

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"Jungkook..." I said looking at him lay in the hospital bed
"Who are you?" He asked
"Jamie" I answered
"Jamie? Who's that?"
"If I tell you, you wouldn't believe me..."
"You're the one who was in Eun Sung Yeol's body, I know you told me that a million of times"
"I don't even know how I ended up here"
"I don't know, I don't care either. Just get out of my face, I told you I don't like you I like Sung Yeol..."
"Jun..." He cut me off
"Get out of my room!" He shouted in anger pointing at the door
"Listen to wha..." He cut me off again
"Get out! It was probably your fault that she ended up like this!" He yelled

My eyes slowly opened, my vision was all blurry but slowly clearing up. I sat up quickly remembering about Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" I shouted as I sat up

I realized someone was next to me, it was no one else but Chouapa.

"Wait... What happened? Wait!" I shouted looking at my hands
"Jamie! You're awake!" She awoken happy as ever
"Jungkook! What happened to him? What happened to him?!" I cried
"Jungkook? Who's that?" She frowned and asked

I honestly don't know if I was just in the longest dream ever or it actually did happened. Still worried about Jungkook that mysterious dude I never really met. Somehow my heart ached as I awoken still as myself but not Sung Yeol.

"Jamie... Calm down, i'll go get you something to drink..." Chouapa said and left the room
"Jungkook? Sung Yeol?... What happened?" I asked myself


Chouapa came back with a drink, and at this time I had calm down. She opened it and hand it over to me.

"Wha... What happened while I was sleeping?" I asked after taking a huge gulp of the soda
"You know that name you just called...?" She asked
"Jun... Jungkook?"
"Yeah Jungkook... It's kind of weird, you kept calling him even though you were in a coma..."
"What? How?" I asked
"Well it all started just 2 days ago, I was reading a book and suddenly I saw something moving. I looked over to you and your fingers were moving. I was happy you were going to wake up, but all I heard you say was "Jungkook."
"After that day, you kept calling his name, and tears kept strolling down the corner of your eyes. What really were you thinking when you were in that coma?" She asked curious
"It's a long story but short..." I sighed
"Tell me..." She said holding onto my hand

Just than the other girls walked in, Gina, Mai Ye, and Maisee.

"Oh my lord! Is that a ghost! How did she wake up?!" Gina yelled pointing at me
"I'm not a ghost..." I laughed
"Guys... Remember that day she kept calling the name Jungkook?" Chouapa asked the others
"Oh! Yeah! I'm curious why you kept calling that name!" The others said looking at me
"Just about to tell Chouapa" I sighed

everyone of them sat down next to me and I started telling them.



My eyes shot opened I looked around me and found Sung Yeol sleeping on the bed next to mines. Slowly I got up from the bed and walked over to Sung Yeol. She was sleeping so peacefully, just than that scene that happened came back into my head

"Who are you?" I asked
"Jamie" she answered
"Jamie? Who's that?" I asked confused
"If I tell you, you wouldn't believe me..." She said sadly with tears forming in her eyes
"You're the one who was in Eun Sung Yeol's body, I know you told me that a million of times" I said in a irritated tone
"I don't even know how I ended up here"
"I don't know, I don't care either. Just get out of my face, I told you I don't like you, I like Sung Yeol..."
"Jun..." I cut her off
"Get out of my room!" I shouted in anger pointing at the door
"Listen to wha..." I cut her off again
"Get out! It was probably your fault that she ended up like this!" I yelled

She hung her head low and lift it back up, giving me a weak smile. She nodded while wiping her tears.

"Nae, it's my fault... I hope things become better when i'm gone" she said and left

Somehow my heart ached badly just thinking about that scene. I never seen her before or talked to her before, who is she really?.

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