Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you sure this is alright?" Lauren asked from the passenger seat of my car.

Nearly an hour ago, when we literally ran into each other back at Marea, the spill left both of us with stained dresses and, Micheal being Michael, hates when his employees look anything less than presentable. So despite the fact we still had a few hours left until we were done, he sent us home which was great news for me because that meant I could get over to Adam's earlier. Lauren, however, got a ride from Michael, who she lives with at the moment, and I wasn't about to just leave her there so I invited her to spend the night at my house.

We were just making a pit stop first.

"Yeah," I lied. I hadn't exactly told Adam I was bringing her, but how bad could his reaction be? He could hate you forever.

I had unbuckled and was already outside the car, standing in the frigid air in my ruined dress. Lauren was still sitting in the car, biting her lip.

"Lauren, it's fine. Let's go before I drag your skinny butt inside." I begin my way up to the front of the house backwards, waving for her to follow me, then turning around to face the way I'm walking because I'm entirely too clumsy to risk walking backwards.

Soon I hear the click of her heels behind me. "But this is Adam Driver's house. I'm unworthy of even being in a ten mile radius of it much less him."

I should mention that Lauren was obsessed with Star Wars and she sort of developed a small (really more like large) crush on him. She was also much cuter than I am, though we have several similar features. I was starting to regret bringing her along. More actually, I was afraid Adam would start to like her right back. . .not that I should have a problem with it considering we're just friends.

"Just, be calm. It's fine," I reassured her. I paused for a moment at the door, unsure if I should knock or just walk in. You're not on that levek of friendship, just knock. It's not even ten seconds before the door opens, revealing Adam in all of his six foot glory.

"Heeey. You're early. And a mess," he acknowledges the stain on my dress with a smirk, "and not alone. . ." His thick eyebrows come together with confusion as he looks over cute littld Lauren.

Oh shoot. I hadn't thought this far ahead into the game.

Lie, before you get caught. "Uh, yeah. This is Lauren, the girl I told you about on the phone.  Remember?" I hope Adam catches on to my hint. I can't convincingly pull off a lie on my own.

Thankfully he does. His eyes widen as he realizes what I'm trying to do and he says, "Ahh, yes. Nice to meet you, Lauren. Come on inside." I let Lauren go ahead of me so I can have a word alone with him before we head into the awkward party of three.

"I'm sorry I didn't call, it was a last minute thing," I begin to profusely apologize. He shifts a little closer to me, close enough so that, if I wanted to, I could rest my head on his chest. The heat from his body radiated through his shirt and sent a wave a butterflies through me.

"God, I'm so PISSED at you right now, Anna Jeanne. I can't beleive you did this. It's completely unforgivable. I'm actually gonna have to ask you to leave before my rage becomes too unbearable," he tells me. I know he doesn't mean it but I turn around and head for my car anyway. "Hey, no, where the hell do you think you're going?" He grabs my wrist and pulls me back into him. Our bodies are touching back to front, the closest we've ever been, and I think I'm going to throw up from an overwhelming amount of excitement. "There is no way in Hell that you're leaving right now. Besides, I've got a friend over, too so it all works out."

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