Chapter Nine

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I could smell the sweat radiating off my t-shirt from previous night. No matter how hot I got at night I refused to take the three extra blankets off my bed so this was the consequence.

Kara had left me for a friend. I wasn't entirely alone, though. My aunt was home tonight but as soon as she came home she went straight to bed. The poor woman hasn't slept for at least a couple days. I made sure to not make too much noise so she could actually get a decent night's sleep.

It was nine on a Friday night, I was going hard already. The television in the main floor living room was on Cupcake Wars and I was sitting on the cushy couch with a jar of bumble berry jam, spooning it into my mouth, like any other twenty-three year old with a degree. Michael had given me the night off for no particular reason. I wasn't about to question it, either. Especially if it meant getting to binge watch my favorite show. To top it all off, I had been texting one of my only friends, Sidney.

Sid lives in Los Angeles, California as a pretty successful DJ, with her girlfriend. I've never met her but if she is good enough for Sidney to like then I suppose I would like her as well. There is not cute little backstory to our friendship. Unless you count bonding over mutual hatred for our entire high school.

I adjust my legs so the pizza box stops slipping down. I had eaten six pieces and tried not to think about the calories or how full I was as I took a bite into my seventh.

You will exercise tomorrow. You. Will. I haven't for the last week and it started to show. I was a little more angry and zit-faced than usual. Typically, I'm a bit of a health nut. I usually get up early in the morning to do strength and conditioning and then go for an afternoon run. It sounds tedious and horrible but I didn't get slightly outlined abs from eating ice cream all the live long day.

I finally have to put the box away into the kitchen. I don't finish the slice but I put it back into the box so I can eat it for breakfast. Or in a few minutes when I get bored again.

Getting back into the living room from the kitchen, my butt barely touches the seat before the doorbell goes off, echoing throughout the house. I pray it doesn't wake my aunt up. It's probably Kara who most likely forgot her key in the house before leaving and someone threw up on her at some party she went to and now she needs a change of clothes. I'm twenty feet away, maybe fifteen seconds after the initial ring, when they ring again. Dressed in only boyshorts and an ginormous tee shirt, I dart to the door and swing it open with an angry look on my face.

Immediately I start to yell in a hissed whisper. "Kara! Your moth -- oh." My face flushed with embarrassment when I see who's at the door.

At first my chest fills up with joy as I realize who it is; the last time we saw each other was at Oscar's stupid Halloween party and now here he was on my front porch.

"Sorry mom." Adam apologizes. He brings a long, pale finger to his mouth and makes the 'shh' motion. His arms cross as he leans against the door frame with a faint grin. I can't help but notice that his eyes grazed over my body more than once before meeting mine.

I stand in front of him, staring straight into the melting Hershey Kiss eyes of his. My mind begins to drift into thoughts of him. I force myself to repress my feeling, however, remembering my promise. "Can I help you?"

"You can," he begins. I involuntarily swallow hard. "So, the Star Wars crew is over, just the main cast and a few others. I was wondering if you wanted to come hang with us." That's it. That's all he says.

A million questions flood my head. Over where? Why me? Why didn't you text me? Why do I care that he didn't text me today? Stop taking so long to reply to him. Reply, reply, reply.

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