Chapter Eight

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"Are you even able to drive?" I turn to face Adam who is reaching into the pocket of his jeans. He pulls out his keys and clicks a button twice, making a car in the distance flash it's lights.

An autumn breeze blows across the lawn. My cardigan whips across my body with a snap sound and I curse myself for not wearing a jacket for 'fashion' reasons.

He walks down the concrete steps past me towards the vehicle. "You don't trust me?" He questions.

I scoff lightly. I saw him drinking. "I just met you. You could be a serial killer." The words that come out of my mouth plant terrible thoughts into my head. But honestly, could being killed by something to pleasing to the eye be so bad? My mind is screaming with scenes of my decapitated body and Adam marvelously standing over it. No, no it would not be so bad. A sudden thought pops into my mind completely unrelated to gruesome death. "My purse." I must've forgotten it downstairs when I was too distracted about my cardigan getting stuck in the fancy couch. I don't know how I missed not having it. I guess I was so focused on not being an idiot to recall grabbing it.

"No," he stops me as I walk up to the door, "I have it. You left it downstairs. Trust me, I was going to give it back, but it just brought my outfit together so nicely that I couldn't bear to part with it so quickly. "He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out my black leather purse. How did he fit that back there? Oh yeah, man pants have actual pocket sized pockets.

I walk back over to him and take it from him, slinging it back over my shoulder. My fingers fumble for the zipper in the almost-dark. I manage to get it open and feel to make sure all the important stuff is in there. Phone, tampons, wallet, good. I look back up to thank him only to find him already waking toward his car. I jog to catch up with him and stroll a couple feet away from him.

He doesn't say a word to me as we shuffle in the night so I spark up small talk. "So. . .how do you know Oscar?" My words make me cringe slightly. I'm terrible at trying to keep a conversation going. I wait for him to answer. He doesn't and before long I look up at him to find his eyes on me. One thick brow is cocked.

"What?" I ask. Was there something on my face? Could he see it in the dark? A hand reflexively flies to my face and starts to rub the skin. I don't wear much make-up and whatever make-up I did have on already sweat off inside.

"You don't know? He didn't tell you?" I shake my head and realize he probably can't see me so I say no. Wind whistles past again and loosens some of the hair out of my used-to-be bun. "We're in the new Star Wars together."

That makes sense. I don't watch Star Wars nor do I keep up with any of the news of it. I mean, I don't watch movies very much anyways, but the whole Star Wars thing would explain him at the dinner last weekend. I honestly had no idea he was even an actor. I thought he was. . .I never thought about it. "Yeah. That explains it. I'm not a Star Wars person."

He gasps. "Okay, okay. The only way you're getting in my car is if you watch all the Star Wars. I'm not even kidding right now." I roll my eyes in the dim lighting and agree. If seeing all the geeky Star Wars films is what it takes to get me home tonight then so be it.

I tightly wrap my arms around myself and stand behind Adam as we walk so he blocks the chilly wind. I'm too mesmerized by watching his white Adidas sneakers hit the black pavement I almost run into the car door he's holding open for me. Okay, not almost. I did. I ran into the door. That's the second embarrassing thing I've done in front of him in the past six hours. I'm thankful for the night so he doesn't see me blush though I shouldn't even care. I'm not supposed to care. He pretends to not have seen me to save me the humiliation.

I can't tell what kind of car it is that I've just gotten into because it's black and it's night right now. Even if is was bright and sunny right now I wouldn't be able to tell you what kind of car it is. I know absolutely nothing about vehicles, not even my own.

I plant myself onto the cold leather of his car seats and rest my head back as I wait for him to get in and start the car. I almost wish he hadn't.  As soon as he does, the music that blasts through the small room mimics that of the party.

Adam raises. His fists as high as that will go and screams, "YEEESS! YES YES YES!" I giggle at his reaction.

So far, this agreement between myself on Adam really wasn't working. But I try my best as I ride along side him. Just sitting nest to him in the car has significantly raised my blood pressure and it's only been ten minutes.

"OH!" Adam shouts for no particular reason.

"What is it?"

"I forgot to tell you that I put my number in your phone," he tells me. "You know, just in case you forget your purse somewhere else."

Once again grateful for the blackness of early morning, I turn away and smile, internally screaming with joy.

Just friends, I remind myself.

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