Chapter Seven

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With an uncomfortable hand locked around my waist, Oscar had me moving around the whole house as he talked with people I didn't know. Unlike him, I kept my hands to myself.

"I'm going to get another drink." Oscar announced, peering into his cup with one eye. He looks at me through the almost-dark to make sure that I've heard him over this ungodly loud music. I nod my approval without a word.

He disappears into the mob and I take this opportunity to hide away. My stomach does a flip as I realize I'm running from my date. I feel bad about it, partially because my brain secretly knows this is the last date I'll get for a while and partially because he's not a jerk, just not my type. All of our conversations have led into a dead end, the small talk is obviously forced and he's had more drinks that words he's said to me.

I didn't know what time it is, but it feels like it's well into morning. How long is this party going to last? So far, the only fun I've had here has been when I was talking to Adam. I'll have to remember not to come to one of theses again, if I'm ever invited.

As soon I think about Adam, that's all that fills my head. Why couldn't he have been the one to talk to me at that dinner party last weekend? I'll tell you why, because he doesn't like you. Or maybe he does? I don't know. Just don't get your hopes up Anna. It's a little crazy isn't it? How we can barely know someone yet be so infatuated with them? I find myself thoroughly puzzled at the way I feel right now. It's truly nothing I've felt before. Then again, I've never had someone to feel this way about. I suppose it's comparable to my crush with Erik Yates. It's just that: a crush. I'm sure it'll go away and if it doesn't I'm sure he doesn't reciprocate the feelings, just like Erik Yates. I suddenly remember the feelings of dread back in high school when I realized Erik was not going to tell me he loved me in the middle of the commons or that he wasn't going to ask me to prom over the loudspeaker and then arrive in my classroom with balloons and stuffed teddy bears and a big 'WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?' sign.

The feelings I recall are so vivid and disappointing that I decided right there and then to make a pact with myself: I was not allowed, even if just for a moment, to have a crush on this Adam guy. I couldn't bare the feeling of having another big crush turn out like that.

"Falling asleep at a party? With this incredible music?" My eyes shot open to reveal a tall dark figure standing next to me, staring ahead at the party goers. Adam. "Past your bedtime is it?"

"I dunno. What time is it?" I feared the answer.

He shakes his long sleeve down to look at a watch that glistens in the dark. It looked fancy but really anything shiny looks fancy to me so I could be wrong. "It's two thirty." I gasped slightly. This is the latest -- or earliest -- that I've been up since college.

"Then yes, it's definitely past my bedtime. " I yawn again. I turn me head to the dancers and minglers that roam about the wide open space. Almost all of them had a cup in their hand. I began to think about how many people would get in crashes tonight.

We stayed silent until Adam spoke up. "Where's Oscar?" He asked. Oh, yeah. I forgot about him. Again.

"He's getting another drink." I respond. He sure was taking awhile, not that I was complaining. I enjoyed talking to Adam, even if this was only the second time I had talked to him. But you can't enjoy talking to him, remember? YOU CANNOT. This stupid little treaty was already proving to be difficult.

"So, you guys are dating?" He shot off then put the cup to his mouth quickly. My head jerks to look at him, slightly stunned.

I forgot about that, too. This was a date. And it was kind of a crummy one. "Yeah, I guess." My nose crinkled. I glanced over to Adam who was looking down.

He was quiet for a minute before telling me, "He's a good guy." That was all he said. My brows pulled together.

Before I could question why he asked, Oscar finally came back, wearing a grin that faltered when he saw Adam next to me. He returned to his previous position next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, even tighter than before. He was standing in between Adam and I, but not talking to either of us.

I yawned once more. My body was exhausted.  All of me just wanted to lay down and sleep. I started to think about my bed with all of its pillows and the down comforter I like to sleep with even when it's summer because I like the weight on top of my body and my fuzzy socks. All these thoughts made me yawn, again.

Oscar must of heard because he asked if I was tired. I nodded and his hand that encased my waist moved to rest on my shoulder. He pulled me in a little closer and took a hand to my hair to push my head gently down onto his shoulder. I felt. . .odd. I wasn't uncomfortable but I was at the same time. I felt it in the pit of my stomach, a weird ball of feelings telling me to get out of this situation.

But I just stood in that position, tensed and still. The music had brought back my headache in a matter of seconds, my feet were starting to hurt, and this song just really sucked. I wanted to get out of this party now. "I feel really bad asking, but can you take me home?" I blurted it out. I moved my hands together and started cracking my knuckles.

"Oh, well I, uh--" Oscar started but didn't finish. Adam cut him off. He stepped around Oscar and faced the both of us in all his tall wonder.

"I can take her home." He offered.

"Really?" I asked. I moved my head to look at Oscar who was already looking down at me. "Is that okay with you?" I'm not sure why I asked him, it's my choice regardless of what he says, but I guess I didn't want to hurt his feelings.  He looked down at me a long while before nodding. Relief washed over me as the picture of me laying in my fluffy bed in the next thirty minutes flashed in my mind.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast. Okay?" He said loud enough for Adam to hear. I laughed at his words. "What?" He asked. His dark brows furrowed over his dark eyes  and a smile danced on his lips from my giggle.

"Nothing really. It's just that tomorrow  is today."

He chuckled now, too. "Alright, wise guy, I'll pick you up today for breakfast." I doubted he would. It's already two thirty in the morning. He'd be sleeping and hopefully so would I.

I started to pull away but Oscar keep me in his hold. I stared up at him with a quizzical look. He brought his face down and kissed my forehead. He lingered for a couple seconds before letting go "I'll see you soon." He said to me before I exited the room and then the house.

I could see Adam watching this entire interaction and my cheeks flushed unnoticeably under this dim lighting. The realization of the agreement I've just made processes in my head. I have just signed a metaphorical contract to sit alone in a car with this guy I barely know yet had a crush I'm not supposed to have on for twenty minutes.

Way to go Anna Jeanne.

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