Chapter 12

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Song: Still In Love With You by Electro Velvet (Eurovision 2015)

Keith was standing in front of a mirror, putting his hair in the style of a ponytail, Lance swung in and lifted him off his feet.

"Morning Lance." Keith smiled, as Lance put him back down on his feet.

"Morning...whoa...I forgot how cute you look with that ponytail..." Lance started to blush, Keith blushed a bit as well and fiddled with his fringe.

"I-I thought I'd give the style another try..."

"I'm glad you did, my goodness look at you...I could just eat you." Lance nuzzled his cheek in Keith's neck. Keith chuckled to himself.

"So, what's the plan today?" Keith asked, Lance lifted his head.

"Same old same old, training, hang out with you, OH! We are stopping by some place that is claimed to be made of nachos!" Lance cheered, Keith tilted his head.

"Are you serious? That's out here?!"

"Yeah! Shiro said we were going to take a quick trip there!"

"Cool!" Keith looked up at Lance, "Are we going to head to training?" Lance released Keith from his embrace and held his hand.

"Yeah, let's go." Lance and Keith walked out their room, Keith leaning on Lances shoulder as they walked down the hallway.

Wow! Almost 800 views for the first book! And almost 100views for this one! Thank you guys! You're all lovely, stay lit, and have a beautiful day! I might be back later today to pair another chapter before I leave

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