Chapter six

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We had thirty minutes left of trigonometry.Dammit. I needed time to go by faster.
I was sitting alone, thank God. The students in this class were all really freaking aggressive and, well, assholes. There were the emos, the rock-is-my-life type, a few quiet people that knew every answer to every question in this class, the fuck boys, and then there was me. Alone, in the back of the class. But I wouldn't change it for anything.
"Now, open the books on the page forty-three." The teacher said. I looked inside my bag to pull out my book, but it wasn't there. English, Science, World Languages, Chemistry. Everything was there.
Except for math.
But I was sure that it wasn't amongst the pile of books left in my room. There was no maths book. Damn it.
"Do the whole page, and then we'll check everything."
Shoot. What now? I bit my lip, taking out my Science book, and pretended to be doing something. I got so lost in my thoughts, that when the teacher spoke behind me, I let out a squeal.
"Miss Gray, what are you doing?"
"I'm, I uhh, don't have a book." I said, biting my lip. Everyone was staring at me.
"I didn't get it yesterday." I added.
The teacher sighed and walked out of the classroom.
"Damn, that lip biting was hot." One of the fuck boys spoke, and then his whole group started laughing.
"Yeah, hot enough to burn off your little balls. That is, if you have any." I said, annoyed.
Everyone let out some ooohs, and woaahs, and I would have felt proud, if it wasn't for-
"Miss Gray, watch your language!" The teacher spoke sternly. But it wasn't that that distracted me-it was the guy from yesterday, who was standing behind the teacher and chuckling at what he just saw.
"Now, instead of being such a bad example for your classmates, why don't you follow Alex so he can give you the book that you need." He grumbled.
I looked between him and Alex, standing up and walking towards them.
"You could have just told me and I would have gone by myself." I said, like it was obvious.
"And have you skip the rest of the class? I don't think so." He said. I sighed, and started following the Alex out of the classroom. Some people were still smirking at the guy that provoked me, and as we were walking out the door, I heard his voice again.
"What is she, twelve?" He grumbled. I stopped, and turned around just enough so I could see him.
"Yeah, on a scale of one to ten." I said, and exited the classroom. Alex was now laughing, and shaking his head.
"What?" I asked, fighting a smile.
"That was great." His head was shaking back and forth and he was laughing.
I laughed too, but then remembered that this was his fault.
"Hey, this is your fault! You didn't give me the maths book." I said.
"To be honest, now I'm glad. That was really funny."
We walked inside the office.
"Okay, it should be here somewhere."
We searched together and damn, we were close to each other. He had a navy green shirt on, that hugged his muscles perfectly.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Hope." I said in a small voice. "Hope Gray." I sucked in a sharp breath. I hated having to pretend that this was my name, when it wasn't and I didn't like it. I liked Rosalie. Hope was my middle name and that was more than enough. It just sounded so cliche. Hope.
He smiled at me. "Cool name."
I rolled my eyes mentally.
He was looking through all of the books on the shelf that most of mine were yesterday.
"Let me look." I demanded, and shoved him out of the way. I looked bluntly through the books, not even focusing on them.
"You just want to look so that you can skip as much of Trigonometry as you can." He raised his eyebrows at me. I turned around to look at him.
"You're right." I pointed a finger at him and touched his chest, and then pulled it back quickly.
We were standing between the shelves so we were really close. His eyes followed my hand as I pulled it away, and roamed around my body for a few seconds.
I took this as my chance. "I do have something else to ask you about, though."
"There's no internet connection here. What's the deal with that?"
He smirked. "There's no deal. This is a reform school. Do you really think they have Internet here?"
I huff. "Look, I'm not even supposed to be here. My parents dumped me at this hell hole of a school, without an explanation. I am a good ass student and always was, so I don't know about you, but I'm sensing some sketchiness here." I said dramatically, half-whispering. "My point is, I'm stuck. I don't have anywhere to go, and they didn't leave any money for me. So what am I-"
"Wait, hold on. Your money is in this school. That's where it's kept until you're eighteen or you have your parents permission to take it." Alex said, pulling his eyebrows together.

My money is in here? They left me money? Dammit, I have a month left until I'm eighteen.
"Th-, I, um, I didn't know that." I said. That meant that if I could only get that money..
"Where is it? I mean, does a teacher have it or what?" I asked, flashing him a flirty smile.
"No, it's in a safe on the third floor in the teachers' room. Why?" His forehead creased.
"Just asking." I said casually. "Let's find that book."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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