Chapter three

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I sighed, staring at the delinquent-hole. I thought I would cry, but I couldn't let out a single tear.
Well, now what? I looked around to find the entrance to the school. The door was really big and old, almost like it was made from gold hundreds of years ago. I headed for the door, pulling my suitcases with me. Once I was standing in front of it, I looked around, but it seemed to be locked. Hesitantly, I knocked on it and waited. Nothing. I knocked again and waited for about a minute when a middle-aged woman appeared. She was very tall and wore glasses, and seemed very uptight. Ugh.
"Can I help you?" She said in a high-pitched voice.
"I'm Ros- um, Hope Gray." I said, lifting my eyebrows.
"Ahh, yes. Do come in. I'm Mrs. Rollins." She opened the door wider for me to reveal a big round room, with walls decorated with different collages.
"What is this, a Hogwarts trying-to be?" I said with a small laugh. The woman looked at me sternly.
"Now, that's not a way to talk to adults, young lady. Where are your parents?" She asked, looking over my shoulder into the field that belonged to the school.
"They left."
"Oh, well, I shall show you to your room then." She said, walking forward towards a big, round set of stairs. "Now, today's classes are over, your first class begins tomorrow at seven-thirty." She said, and started going upstairs fast. I struggled to carry my luggage up the stairs, so I just dragged it along. The second floor looked just like the first, only it looked like a little round indoor balcony, with a lot of dorm rooms around the circle. She stopped in front of the fifth door away from the stairs, and unlocked it.
"This is where you're staying. We don't have roommates here, everyone has their own dorm." She opened the door door and I slowly walked in. The room was pretty small, and looked almost like a triangle, going wider from the door. It had windows across the door on the biggest wall. An average sized bed was just under the windows. On one side of the room was a white closet, and some shelves and on the other was a desk and another door.
"Well, I'll let you get settled. Here's your timetable." She said, handing it to me. "Now, everything's fairly similar to other schools here, but on Wednesdays and Fridays we have evening classes. If you don't understand something, no matter if it's a subject or rules, we have a few people whose job it is to help. Leaving the school property or the building, for that matter, after nine o'clock is forbidden. Every rule breaking causes detention and other tasks to fix your mistakes. Aggressive behavior has it's consequences, so-"
"I'm not aggressive." I said, irritated.
"Well, let's just trust your parents' judgement."
I huffed quietly. With that, she put the key to my room on the little shelf beside the door, and left.
I already hated this place. Who gave her the right to talk to me like that?! I wasn't some aggressive, drug dealing delinquent that needed discipline or whatever.
I sighed, looking around the room and checking for spiders, but there didn't seem to be any. Slowly, I started unpacking my suitcases, still not sure how the hell I ended up in this situation.

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