Chapter one

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"Rosalie, care to actually pay attention to what I'm saying?" My head shoots up as I hear my name. Mrs. Johnson is looking at me with raised eyebrows, a disapproving look on her face.
"Sorry." I mutter and sigh, but just then the bell saves me.Thank god. I put my books in my bag and throw it over my shoulder. This was the most boring class ever. None of my friends were in this one, I was practically alone. As I get out of the classroom, I bump into Jason, the guy who thinks too highly of himself, and, apparently, so do most girls in this school.
"Hello, Rose." He smirks. "Looking hot." He eyes my body. I sigh.
"I'm wearing jeans and a T-Shirt. Maybe you should focus more on your future, and suddenly, everyone around you won't be so hot anymore." I say dramatically , raising my brows.
"But you are the only one that's hot here." He says in what I'm sure he thinks is a seductive voice. I'm not gonna lie, he isn't bad looking or anything, but he's a fuckboy and I don't mess with those.
"Well, I guess you have a problem then." I pat him on the shoulder, walking away.
I hear him chuckle and give myself a mental pat on the back.
As I exit the school, I see my two closest friends waiting for me. We're not really best, best friends. I don't really share too much with them, but they're okay.
"Hey you. Come on, get in." Alyssa shakes her head in the direction of her car and we all walk towards it.
"So, how was your day?" Emma looks at me, expectantly.
"Good." I say. I wasn't really in the mood, I was tired from studying all night last night.
"C'mon, I saw you talk to Jason. I had to pee." She says.
"You didn't miss anything, he was just being his flattering, seductive self." I say sarcastically.
"You should really have some fun, Rose. You're eighteen. We have a few months of school left, everyone's had their first experiences already. I mean, you don't really have a boyfriend, so what's holding you back? Jason's hot. I'd totally bang him." Says Alyssa. I cringe a little at her words.
"Look, I know this is supposed to be the time for that and all, but what's the point of me sleeping with him? I'll just lose my virginity and I won't ever get it back. I don't care how long I have to wait, but I want to be in love with someone when I do it." I say, irritated.
"If you say so."
We stop at my house and I'm surprised when I see both my parents' cars parked in front of the house.
"Wanna come in?" I suggest and both girls agree. I open the door to my house, and before we can even reach my room, my mom comes rushing towards us.
"Thank God! Where have you been?" She looks at me accusingly.
"Uhh, school ?" I pull my brows together. She looks very..worried. Something's off. "What's wrong?"
"You go up to your room and pack your things."She says to me, and then turns to Alyssa and Emma. "Sorry girls, but you have to leave." They look at me questioningly, but before I can say anything, my mom adds a dismissive "now."
"Well, see you around then." They say and leave.
"What's going on mom?" I ask, but as soon as the door closes she goes into a very stressful mode and comes near me.
"I'll explain everything on the way, but we have to go. You have thirty minutes to pack your bags, and pack everything you need..for the next few months." She says, not looking me in the eye.
"Mom, no! What the hell is happening? Is dad okay?" I start to panic.
"Dad's okay, we don't have much time, alright? It's for your own good, now either you go pack your things or I will give you sleep medicine and do it myself." She says in a determined voice.
"O-okay." I say, and rush up the stairs. What the hell is going on? I'm literally shaking and I'm scared. I've never seen my mom act like that. We're not very close since she works a lot, but I still love her very much and the fact that she is being so..foreign is scaring the shit out of me.

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