Chapter 9- Chloes p.o.v.

Start from the beginning

"You punch like a man," Sebastian whined.

"Don't scare me like that then!" I yelled.

"You were screaming stop at the top of your lungs and was keeping everyone awake!" He shot back.

I rubbed my face with my hands, sitting back down on the edge of Paedros bed.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

Sebastian walked over and sat beside me, wrapping an arm around me.

"It was just a bad dream. Go back to sleep."

He moved to get up but I grabbed his arm.

"Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep or something. Please?"

He nodded.

"Yes sweetheart. Let me go turn off the light."

I looked over and noticed that Paedro had left. Climbing back in bed, I made a spot for Sebastian to lay. After laying my head on his chest, I closed my eyes, wishing I could sleep. But sleep never came. I laid there for a long while, listening to Sebastian breathe and his occasional grunts.

Around three, my eyes finally started drooping, signaling sleep was near. And not long after, that's where I was.

I sat at the breakfast table, staring down at my cereal. I really missed my parents and Sabrina. Just thinking about them brought tears to my eyes. Why did my life have to come to this? Why can't I be laying in bed at my house or pushing Sabrina in a swing at the park because her eight year old legs don't know how to swing themselves.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Pit said, sliding into the chair beside me.

I gave a weak shrug and small smile. "Just my family. How much I miss them and stuff like that."

"Why don't you go visit them? Meet up with them like Sebastian said you could or something?"

"I'm scared to ask him."

Pit stayed silent, nodding for a bit before digging into his waffles. I took baby bites of my cereal before pushing it away from me. Pit was staring at me, his waffles long forgotten.

"What?" I asked, laughing nervously. 

He shook his head and looked down before looking back up at me again. "Nothing its just, I never really realised how truly beautiful you are."

I was speechless. I had no clue what to say. I was probably standing there looking like a fish out of water. I opened my mouth then closed it, then cleared my throat.

"Im-uhm," I began. "I'm just gonna, uh, go find Sebastian now."

I pointed towards the door and started walking.

"Yeah," Pit said, not hiding the disappointment in his voice. "You should do that."

I walked out without a second glance. I made my way down the hallway, opening each door hoping to see Sebastian. I couldn't tell him about Pit, because then Sebastian would probably beat him senseless and kick him out of the gang or worse, kill him because he knows too much.

When I got to the meeting room, I knocked lightly before pushing the door open. Sebastian, Jinxx, Paedro and ten other men I didn't recognize stared back at me.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"No," Sebastian said right at the same time Jinxx said yes.  Sebastian sent Jinxx a warning glare before looking at me. "What did you need?"

I started ringing my hands together, looking down at them while I spoke. "Well I was just gonna ask if we could set up a meeting with my parents because I haven't seen them in so long and all but I mean if you're busy I can just come back another time. You know what, I think I'll just-"

"Baby, you're rambling," Sebastian laughed.

I looked up and seen Sebastian giving me this heart warming smile, and all my nervousness washed away.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Don't be. Yes, we'll set up a meeting somewhere with your parents. Is that all you needed?"

I nodded. "Thanks."

I went to turn around when a raspy voice made me stop.

"Isn't that the girl that got most your men killed? Why the hell would you still have her here? I say we kill her now so Ace won't be after us anymore."

I turned around and stared at the man who said that. He was young, I'd say maybe in his 30s. He had short brown hair with beady brown eyes. He gave me a smile and my stomach turned. Some of his teeth were missing and most of them were yellow. I looked down and seen a cigarette in his hand and scrunched my face up in disgust. He was going to die because of those cancer sticks.

"What did you just say?" Sebastian asked, his voice deadly low.

"I said," the raspy voice man said, not noticing Sebastians anger," we should kill the bitch now so Ace won't be after us anymore."

Sebastian slammed his hand on the table before pulling a gun out and pointing it at the man. "I dare you to say that again."

I yelled at him, telling him to put it up.

"Why dare me? Everybody here agrees, don't we?"

He looked around at the other men, and no one said anything, in fear of having the gun pointed at them. Sebastian walked forward and put the gun up to the man's temple.

"Sebastian," I pleaded. "Stop."

I stared at him from the door way, afraid that Sebastian was going to shoot him.

"Shut up, Chloe!" he said.


He jerked his head up towards me, giving me a deadly glare.

"Paedro get her out of here!"

I shook my head no at Paedro as he made his way towards me. "No," I cried. "Paedro, please. Stop him!"

"I'm sorry Chloe," He whispered before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. He started walking us out the door, easily dismissing my weak tugs away from him. I dropped to the floor like I did with Sebastian, but Paedro picked me up bridal style and continued walking.

"Paedro please. Stop him!" I asked.

He didn't say anything, just kept walking. When the door shut behind us, a gun shot was heard. Paedro flinched and I cried out  before blacking out.

Hey guys! This is kind of an early update for you all! I hope you enjoyed this. Whats your opinion on Pit liking Chloe? Do you ship it or do you ship Chloe and Sebastion? If you ship any one of them, what's their ship names? Be sure to leave comments and let me know what you guys think!

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