Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Timothy’s POV

       I sit in the shadows, hiding on the edge of the room. I don’t feel much like company. After what I witnessed with Sean and Seth, I am feeling very down. I can feel someone’s eyes on me, but knowing everyone who’s on this ship, it could be anyone. I think about a time, when everything were so much simpler. When I wasn’t stuck in a hover-craft full of people who were silently judging me, and worrying about my feelings. Why can’t things just go back to normal, when everyone ignored me?

       Is that really what I want though? Back then, my life was easier, and I wasn’t being hunted, but I was alone, and had no idea what love could feel like. The ship lurches suddenly, and I have to latch onto the window ledge, to avoid sliding off my seat. Everyone loos to Wesley cautiously, but he just smiles silently, before continuing to fly us closer and closer to the capital. That’s when I see it. The dark red columns, and the once white walls of our capital building show red, like pouring blood.

       I stand up, and hungrily look down at the city. It looks drastically different, from the last time, I was here. The side of the capital building is gone. Wiped cleanly away. A few buildings surrounding the white house are in shambles, and there are no people to be seen on the streets. I think of the last time, we tried to lay siege on them, and how it all went wrong. Wesley begins to circle over a wide empty field, lowering himself closer and closer to the ground.

       Our plan is to land here, and wait for a while, before attacking. There should be an army of troops coming to our aid. For some reason I feel all wrong. Like something terrible is going to happen. I jump, when Sean hand gently takes mine. I turn into his arms, and he tugs me along. Before I know what’s going on, we’re on our bed, and he’s there with his sweet lips. He kisses me gently, but soon it deepens. He rolls on top of me, and hoists my legs around his waist.

       I breathlessly kiss him in response, and my muscles tense in anticipation. At that moment, his thumb hooks around the seam of my shirt, and he pulls it over my head. I follow suit, and soon enough, my hands are gently combing over every inch of his bare chest. I smile eagerly, and he takes that as a sign of approval. He begins to kiss down my neck, and down my bare chest. A shiver rolls down my back, as his lips graze my nipple.

       Not being able to wait any longer, I push him off of me, and repeat what he had just been doing. His breath becomes labored, and I can see his eyes rolling into the back of his head in pleasure. Unlike him, I don’t stop at the nipple. I continue to kiss teasingly down the contours of his muscular abs, and down to his waist-line, where I quickly unbutton his jeans. After unzipping them as well, I pull them down to where they are lingering around his ankles.

       I take in his image, as I peer down at his mostly exposed body. The only thing he has on now is his boxers, and the boots, that prevent me from taking his jeans completely off. I hurriedly slide the boxers down his legs as well, and leave them wrapped loosely around his ankles. Turning back to his now gloriously nude form, I memorize everything about him. The little freckle on his right hip, the size of his throbbing erection, and the look of pure serenity etched upon his perfect face.

       I take everything a step further, when I lower myself down, and take him into my mouth. I feel him jerk with pleasure, as I begin to pump his erection with my tongue. I continue on this rhythm for a few minutes, until I feel him grow rock hard, before he can climax, he takes his erection out of my mouth, and pushes me backwards onto my back, where he quickly undresses me. Climbing on top of me, he gazes lovingly into my eyes, before pressing himself against my entrance.

       I moan quietly, as he thrusts deep inside me, before beginning an uneven rhythm of thrusting. I lay there, looking directly into his blue eyes, as he takes me to heaven and back. When I start to feel his thrusting increase in speed, I ready myself for the explosion that I know is coming. He moans softly, and collapses onto me, as he finishes. I can feel the sweat dripping off of him, and I can’t imagine anywhere I’d rather be. He turns his face to mine, and finds my lips again.

       This time the kiss is more sweet, and innocent. When he’s finally done, and breathlessly collapses beside me onto the bed, I roll over blissfully to look him in the eyes. That’s when I see the cloudy blue building deep within his eyes. Something is wrong?

       “I love you more than anything Timothy” he says, and I believe him right in that moment because I know it’s true, but I still can’t place my finger on what’s off about him. That’s when he gets up, and throws his clothes back on, before kissing me one last time, and mentioning something about the bathroom. Then he’s gone. What the hell was that about?

Sean’s POV

       I turn away from Timothy, knowing that it could be the last time, but I can’t quit now. I have to avenge those people. I have to make it right, or I’ll never be able to rest. If I die, then oh well. I have to find the soldiers of the capital, and I have to kill as many of them, as I killed of the innocent people. I walk down the craft hallway, and into the weapon room. I quickly grab two guns, and a bag full of ammo. Concealing them, before anyone sees, I head to the front of the ship.

       I have to get one more glance at Danielle. She’s been like a sister to me, and I need to see her one last time. I’m reminded of the day we captured Bruening. Everything seemed so hopeful back then, and now I just need to make up for lives lost. Seeing me looking, Danielle smiles happily, and signals me to join her. I swallow the lump in my throat, and shake my head. I want to go sit with her, and stay alive, for my Timothy, but Bruening’s words are on constant repeat in my head.

       I turn away from her, and take a deep breath, before walking away from the people I know, and into the unknown. Quickly sprinting down the hall, as quietly as possible, I come to the door. Hurriedly scrambling to remember the code, so the alarm doesn’t go off, I punch in what I think it is, and the door stops flashing. I turn the lever, and the door slides open. I need to find some way of stopping them from getting out to interfere. I hear someone coming down the hall, so I jump.

       I land on my feet, and roll to break the force of the fall, before immediately turning around, and aiming my gun at the button panel. When the shot rings loudly through the air, I look around half expecting to see my death. I’m alone, and now nobody can get on or off the ship, until Wesley does a system reboot. That gives me an hour tops, before I’m interrupted. I turn my back on the ship, from Timothy, and walk toward the place, where I know an army sits waiting for me.

       I load both guns, before dashing into the trees, for cover. I know that this is probably going to cost me my life, but once again the only thing going through my mind, is that I’m responsible for the lives of all those innocent people killed. I have to single-handedly kill just as many people to redeem myself. I can tell that I’m not in my right mind, but that isn’t stopping me. I continue to cut through the thin line of trees until I can hear the group of soldiers just yards away. Here I come.

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