Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Timothy’s POV

       The sound of multiple gunshots, rings through the air, and the smoke thickens in my lungs. I can tell that we’re making a good dent in the soldiers because I can hear less and less screaming, as the minutes crawl by. I risk a peek around the corner, and see that Seth is fighting his way back down the stairs. He is surrounded by soldiers, and they’re all about to start shooting, so I aim at the chandelier above them, and shoot an arrow quickly. The arrow soars above them unnoticed, and hits the top of the chandelier.

       It sways for a few seconds, before it falls with a loud jingling noise. The soldiers see the shadow, and dodge the falling debri, as does Seth. I take the opportunity to run into the open, and grab him by the arm. We run back to my base, and reload our weapons. The door flies open, and the last round of soldiers join us. I know that there are no more because we counted the ranks. There are about forty men left, for us to take down, but I’m running seriously low on ammo.

       “How many rounds you got?” I shout over the harsh sounds of the flying bullets. Seth looks at me, and shakes his head sadly. He’s out of ammo, and I have four bullets left. I peek around the corner again, and lay eyes upon two guns. I turn back to Seth, and him my gun.

       “Cover me” I say, before running out in the open. The soldiers turn to me, and two of them point their guns at me, but they fall to the ground at the hands of Seth.

       As I dive for the guns, I see another soldier go down, on his way over to me. Seth only has one more bullet left. I need to get to safety. I grab ahold of the guns, and dart across the room in the direction of Seth, but I’m surrounded by soldiers. I lift my gun, and fire away. The gun is semi-automatic, so they drop like flies. Five men go down at my hands, and I run to Seth. I see another horde of men coming at me, and one collapses because of a gunshot. Seth’s out of ammo.

       I throw the other gun across the room, and watch as if in slow motion, as it twirls through the air, and then it lands in Seth’s hands and he begins shooting the men around me. I’m almost clear of the room, when a hand wraps around my ankle, and I’m pulled off my feet. My head hits the corner of the wall, and I roll over to face my enemy. A young man is looking in my eyes, and I see judgment there. He thinks I’m evil. I’m just about to apologize to him, when a bullet penetrates his skull, and he falls to the ground dead.

       “I’m so sorry” I sob, as I crawl to my feet. My entire body is shaking, and I feel so guilty. I take the opportunity to run to Seth. He takes one look at me, and his face fills with worry. That’s when I remember my head hitting the wall. I must look really bad. “I’m fine, let’s do this” I say determined to get this over with. He nods in agreement, and we both ready ourselves, and walk back into the open. There are about twenty people left. I can see the determination on their faces as well, and I know that they want to win too.

       There’s nothing more difficult than trying to defeat an army that is determined to win. I can’t think of a single reason, why they would be so willing to die for their country. Maybe they don’t know the flaw of Bruening’s ways. If that’s true, then I’m technically killing innocent people. They’re just trying to protect what they love, just like what I’m doing. Am I wrongly condemning these people to death? Who am I to judge whether they should live or die?

       The new thoughts running through my mind, slow me down as we aim to kill the last twenty men. All they’re doing is defending their country. They don’t know how evil their government has become. I didn’t even know the full extent of it, until I was thrust into the arena not only once, but twice. Maybe I can convince them to join me instead. I could tell them about the government not being able to see, and then tell them they’re free to go. Then they’d be thankful, and join me.

       I begin to lower my weapon, but as I do the guns go off again. I raise my gun in defense, and the battle begins all over again. I wish that I could get them to listen to the words I have to say. We could save so many lives, if they would just listen. I take a step forward, and lift my gun in the air. Now they can see that I don’t want to fight. I see a man in the front of the line look at me, and he jerks his chin up a fraction of an inch, and we make a mutual agreement with our eyes.

       That’s when he pulls the circular item, from his belt handle. I don’t know what it is at first, but as he rips the top off, I see exactly what it is. He’s about to release a grenade. I grab Seth’s arm and run at the man. He throws the bomb at us, but Seth does something in that moment that is incredibly brave and extremely stupid. He catches the small bomb in his hand, and throws it back at the group. The last thing I see, before the explosion is the desperate look in the eyes of twenty men.

Sean’s POV

       We zoom over different cities, and I wait impatiently, for any sign or proof that my Timothy is alive. I don’t know what I would do, if something happened to him. I wouldn’t know what to do. It’s weird to think about us not being together, but until a few months ago, we were just friends. I felt uncomfortable about his feelings, and he continued to fall deeper and deeper in love with me. I’m really lucky that he didn’t just give up on me, after waiting for so long.

       I gaze out of the window at the forests flying past beneath my feet. I turn my attention back to Danielle, who’s still sleeping after the accident. Lucky for her, the bullet went right through her arm. There was no eternal damage. It could have been a lot worse. I keep telling myself that I should’ve stopped her, but to be honest. She gave us the perfect opportunity to snatch Bruening. We seriously wounded the government, and now we are a few steps ahead of them.

       I see her eyelids flicker a bit, and then I see her blue eyes open fully. She looks around the room, and sees me, before sitting up quickly. I can tell she’s confused, and wants to know where we are, so I tell her. I tell her about the fight, and how the gun went off, just before the side of the building was blown away, and we were rescued by Wesley and Madi. I continue on the path of our recent events, and finally get to the part, where we’re on our way to get Timothy. 

       She reaches over, and unhooks herself, from the IV, and attempts to get out of bed. I gently push her back onto the sheets, and hold my hand there on her stomach. She needs rest, and running around with stress will only worsen her condition. I take a needle from the cabinet beside us, and fill it with morphine, before injecting it into her arm. She looks at me confused, before she dozes back into a light sleep. I know she’ll be mad at me, when she wakes up, but at least she’ll be healthy.

       I turn my attention back to the blur of forests and towns below. We’ll be there anytime now. I can see the building in the distance, and there is some sort of smoke billowing in the air above the building. I wonder what could have happened. My heart seems to imagine every worst case scenario. The one where Seth and Timothy are dead, and the government captures us all, and Bruening wins again. As we land outside the building my heart races faster, and I lick my lips excitedly. Here I come Timothy.

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