Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Timothy’s POV

       I slowly become aware of the weight surrounding my entire body, and begin to panic inwardly. I try to force my arms free, but darkness envelopes me, and then I realize what this feels like. I feel like I’m buried under a mound of solid dirt. I try to force myself to move, but it’s too heavy. I’m going to suffocate. After all I’ve been through, I’m going to end up dying by being buried alive? I attempt to flail around, but not a single part of my body will move.

       The darkness seems to press on me, and soon I’m fighting for air. I can’t take a breath. Just when I’m beginning to let go, and give up this exhausting fight, I hear a voice. Several images race through my mind, and somehow the weight begins to dissipate. The voice belongs to Seth. I can’t even make out the words, but his voice makes my heartbeat quicken, and my soul feels lighter. Another voice echoes through my inner consciousness, and the face of Sean fills my mind like a swirling vortex of churning water.

       The two people whom I love the most in this world. Slowly my senses begin to awaken inside me. First the hearing, then I feel the soft touch of someone’s arm against me. I thrill of butterflies fill my stomach, when I feel this touch. I can smell a modest scent of some cologne, and the smell of shampoo. I can taste something bitter in my mouth, and instinctively know that I must’ve been sleeping for a while. My memory sluggishly attempts to piece together the chain of events that led me here, but it’s so hazy.

       Finally my eyes flutter open, and my sight is back. The rapid flood of light and colors is too much for my sensitive eyes, and I shrink away in pain. I feel someone move quickly away from me, and I sit up to look around. The first thing I notice is the anger burning in Sean’s steely eyes. He’s pissed about something. Seth is leaning against the open door, and there is mild humor in his eyes. I look at both of them, and see caution in both pairs of blue eyes. What’s going on?

       “What?” I demand, and Seth chuckles softly. I’m glad he isn’t taking it as seriously as Sean is because the look in Sean’s eyes is heavy. It’s full of pain, and worry, but most of all betrayal.

       “You freaked out yesterday. You almost beat Bruening to death, and it took four people to hold you down, and sedate you because you wouldn’t stop thrashing about, and screaming” Sean says, and I look down at my hands. My knuckles are raw, and there’s dry blood all down my wrists.

       “I d-don’t remember” I say, more to myself than to anyone else. They both look at me with worry in their eyes. I look between the two, and burst out laughing. Once again their expressions mirror each other, which makes me laugh even harder. Seth then erupts into his light laugh that sounds so much like a chorus of angels. Sean is still gazing worriedly at me, and I see why I love both of them. They are both so different, and they balance me out perfectly. I vaguely wonder what to do about our situation.

       “Come on, you probably need to eat something” Sean whispers, from across the bed, and he pulls me to my feet, and we head out of the dimly lit room. Danielle smiles, when she sees me awake. I sit down at the table, and look around at the completely silent table. I’m beginning to feel very uncomfortable, when Seth throws a grape at my head. I giggle softly, before retaliating with a small strip of bacon. He can always make me smile, and that’s just what I need right now.

       “We’ll be there in a few minutes” Sean says quickly, with an air of annoyance in his soft voice. I think back to the last couple minutes. Why is he so moody? That’s when I catch the sentence he just spoke.

       “Where?” I ask, trying to remember, whether or not I already know the destination, but my head begins to hurt slightly, so I give up, as Seth answers my question. We’re about to be at the Southwestern communication center.

       I feel the ship lurch slightly, as we continue to pass the seemingly endless forests beneath us. I feel the ship slow, as we sink into the canopy of the trees. I look around curiously, as the engine dies, and the others stand up quickly. We just sat down to eat. When I look at the clock however, I see that an hour has passed, since I sat down. What’s happening to me? I stand up with the others, and the room spins before my eyes. It takes all I have not to fall.

       I know if Sean sees even a hint of weakness, then he’ll insist that I stay on the ship, for this mission, but I can’t stay here. I need to do something, or I really will go crazy. I inhale the fresh air, as the door slowly opens, to reveal a large white building right outside of the trees. There are towers, and balconies overlooking the forest, and between us and the grand building is a large pond. There are guards on platforms in the middle of the lake, and on every possible surface of the building.

Sean’s POV

       The guards are flocked around the building in a way that makes me feel scared. I wasn’t really scared to attack the white house, but fear is rippling through my body. This has twice as many guards as the white house. They are laid out in such a smart fashion. I look to Wesley for a plan, and he nods his head happily. He must’ve been expecting this. I think about how much I hate him, but we wouldn’t have made it this far, if he hadn’t been so invested in Timothy.

       Seth is standing right beside timothy, and I can see their arms touching. I try to ignore the raging storm of jealousy roaring like a tidal wave inside my mind, but it’s all an uncontrollable swirling mess of green. Seth whispers something to my Timothy, and I take a step nearer, and clasp my hand in his. Seth moves away with an uncomfortable look in his eyes, so I smile brightly. I know it seems immature, but Timothy is the only thing I have left of my old life, and I plan on holding onto him with every fiber of my being.

       My head snaps to the side, as a guard looks in our direction. I make eye contact with him, but then he drops the gaze, and kneels down beside the edge of the water. I frantically wonder if he saw me, but he doesn’t seem to be reporting anything, so maybe I’m okay for now. I tighten my grasp on Timothy’s hand, and look around at the others. Seth’s eyes are sullen, and dark with what looks like disdain. I’m really beginning to not like him. What gives him the right to fall for my Timothy.

       Wesley pulls out some kind of remote, and begins pressing a few keys upon it. There’s a low whining noise that emanates from the now glowing remote, and the man disappears. Something pulled him off the platform, and drug him under the water. I look to Wesley and see concentration on his face, so I know it was him who captured the now drowning man. He nods to all of us, and we’re on our way. I release Timothy’s hand, and roll down the hill, and jump across the gap between the shore, and the first platform.

       The guard doesn’t even have time to flinch, before arms constrict around his neck, and I snap his neck easily. I immediately arrange him to resemble the sitting position. I scale the wall easily, and jump across another gap, but this time it’s not as easy as before. This guard is a lot more experienced, and stronger than the other. He forces his knife to my throat, and sweeps my legs from under me. There’s no way for me to escape the blade, now cutting into my skin. 

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