Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Timothy’s POV

       Everything is finally normal. Our group is flying across the nation, so we can use Bruening as an example. When we get him in front of his nation we’re going to execute him. We haven’t talked about who gets to do it, but I want it to be me. He’s taken so much from me, and I want nothing more than to put a bullet through his head. I remember the first day I saw him on the television screen. He had seemed like such a nice person, but then he had assassinated the president on live TV.

       “We need to figure out where to go next” Danielle says from across the room. We’re all off in the corners, doing our own thing, but I’m next to Sean. I’m leaning into him, and his arms are wrapped around my torso, as he sleeps. I’m currently listening to the rhythm of his heart. My stomach flutters happily, as I recall the last few days. San and I have definitely been taking advantage of our closeness. The feeling of comfort I have, when sleeping in his arms is truly amazing.

       “We can’t go to the capital yet, but we need to find another building of power. We need to slowly cripple them, and then kill them” Wesley said, from the pilot’s seat.

       “Why don’t we try to find out information, from Bruening?” I offer, from my seat. Seth looks at me, and our eyes meet. I feel a lurch in my stomach, as the memories of Seth and I fill my mind. He nods his head in agreement. At least I have Seth on my side. That’s comforting.

       “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. He could have some sort of item inside him to alert the people working for him, if he’s in too much pain. They invented these things a couple years ago, and they could tell if someone were compromised, and they would release a toxin, already planted in the bloodstream, and they would die instantly.” He informs us. I think back to the times we were injected with tracking devices. Could we have been injected with that toxin?

       I stand up, and let Sean’s hand drop from mine, and walk out of the room. Seth is right at my heels, and we hurry down the hall.

       “I think they would’ve released the toxin right after he went missing. We need to take advantage of our opportunity. He could lead us in the right direction. I have a plan” I say, and Seth nods. We rush down the hall, and into the medical area. I grab a syringe and fill it with water. Seth follows me, as I go directly to Bruening’s room.

       “Bruening wake up!” I bark, as soon as the sound proof door is closed tightly. His eyes flutter open, and he looks around, confused for a moment. He looks up at his bloody, raw wrists, and at his hanging form, then a sneer forms on his face as he remembers where he is. “We need some information, and you’re going to give it to us” I tell him, and he smiles serenely. I can tell he already has something up his sleeve, so I smile back in the same way he did.

       “We need the names of the main sources of power for the nation.” I say, and he chuckles softly.

       “What makes you think I’m going to tell you something that damaging to my administration?” he says tauntingly.

       “Well  we have obtained one of your creations, and are willing to use it on you” I say, holding up the syringe of now discolored water. I thought is born in my mind, and I hope that I have the right color.

       “And what invent- “ he begins, but the syringe comes into view. A low mocking laughter fills the room, and he looks directly in my eyes. “There’s no way” he says. His laughter has died, and he’s challenging me with his angry glare.

       “You’re forgetting we have one of your surgeons on our team. Unless you want a toxin running through your veins, then you’ll tell us the major locations of your administration” I say, happily brandishing the syringe in front of his face.

       He sits there silently, and then he begins to mumble. Seth immediately starts to jot down the different locations, and soon we have a list of places to attack. I turn to leave, but a thought strikes me. I whip around, backhanding the man that I hate so much. There’s a crunching noise, and a few teeth fall to the floor.

       “We did it” I say cheerily to Seth, and I throw myself into his open arms. It feels like we’re a team again.   

       I look into his eyes, and I freeze. His blue eyes that are so different than Sean’s are focused on me. I’m still looking into his eyes intimately, when the door opens, and Sean is there. I turn my gaze to Sean, and tell him what we’ve just achieved. He smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are cold, and empty. I’ve never seen that look directed at me. In that moment, I’m chilled to the bone and the happiness I was just feeling dies in my stomach.

Sean’s POV

       I open my eyes, and look around for Timothy, but he’s nowhere to be found. I look to Danielle and she points silently to the hall. I look around, and see that the only other person missing is Seth.  I get up, and groggily walk to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I look into the mirror. My hair is sticking up at odd angles, and my eyes are filled with sleep. I turn the water on, and rinse my face off, before leaving the room to find Timothy. Ever since we got each other back, I haven’t liked being away from him.

       I head in the direction of our room, and try to think where he could be with Seth. A thought has been nagging me, since we found them at that place. They seem to have grown very close since I was taken. I try not to think about it, but I see the way they catch each other’s eyes, and the way they seem to move in rhythm with each other. I’m not sure if I’m just imagining things, but I feel very uncomfortable. I guess it bothers me because I’m so used to Timothy fawning over me.

       When I find our room empty, and Seth’s empty as well I head to the medical room. The light is on, so I relax a little, but when I walk in and see one of the drawers open, and nobody in sight a bad feeling floods my insides. There are only two more areas where they would be, so I head off to the dining area. Once again I find nothing, so I rush in the direction of Bruening’s room. I runs o fast, that when the door comes into view, I’m out of breath and have to stop to catch my breath.

       I hurriedly punch in the code, and the door slides open. Timothy is wrapped tightly in Seth’s embrace, and in his hand is a piece of paper. Bruening is looking from them to me, and a smile erupts onto his swelling face. Timothy sees me, and rushes to me. I can see the love in his eyes, but the thought of him in Seth’s arms is still bothering me, so I force a smile onto my face. I can tell he knows something is wrong because his smile falters, and he shifts uncomfortably.

       We all leave the room silently, but my mind is racing ahead at fifty million thoughts per second. Is there something going on between them. It’s hard to picture Timothy being with someone else besides me, but then again he did sleep with Wesley. The thought crosses my mind at that moment. Timothy doesn’t know that I know about him and Wesley, and yet he hasn’t told me. The thoughts running through my head are only making me feel worse, but I can’t help but feel insecure.

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