Unholy Confessions

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Full Summary: The rewritten version of the original well-loved fic, this portrays the story of the fight between House the diagnostician and the mental patient who calls himself Kira. One week is all that is allotted for him and his team to save Kira from the world and himself…and House's neck is on the line.

A/N: Here we are, another chapter. I still get the feeling that this could've been done in so many other ways, and this could've been done better. Still, at least most of the mistakes in this have been cleared up and straightened out.

I remember, in the author's note for this chapter, back in the original, I was talking about the Death Note live action, and how a younger Colin Firth would've suited L's part, however, now that I've seen his most recent film, I'll have to admit that he's still pretty dishy. Another difference between then and now is Joseph Gordon-Levvit's explosive stellar performance in Inception, which has further cemented my opinion that he should be our L, rather than Matsuda. Matsuda is still way too incompetent. A nice shot, but incompetent all the same. Ah well, let's hope the guys behind Death Note's production get a move on soon.

Most of the wheat has been separated from the chaff now, so it's just a question of writing it all down and getting a bloody wiggle on over here.

All the best, eh?

Chapter 6

Unholy Confessions

In Mercer County, New Jersey today, High School student Linda Tailor won the state Cat Show today with her four year old white Persian known as Sheba. This wasn't much of a feat for the perfect pussy cat, thanks to her beautiful white fur, big blue eyes, and a vicious attitude that had most of the contestants cowering in fear and too ill to participate. Looking behind him at the accompanying picture of the 1st ribbon-winning feline, the anchor man looked back at the screen, giving a smirk – evidently meant to be his winning smile – before looking over to the petite woman standing a few feet away. And now, he said, white teeth gleaming, back to Kate with the weather.

Of course, she said, According to the studio's meteorologists, the rain across New Jersey will be rather like a fat man on a blind date: Heavy, covering a wide area, and awkward at times.

A small snort was heard among the bleeps of the heart monitor followed by the crunches of solid flesh against even more solid teeth, and the slurps as the flesh released the streams of its blood against the flesh-eater's maw. The body beside the flesh-eater laid still and silent among the steady beeps, unaware of what fate had in store for him.

The young man sat on the bed beside the recumbent figure of the John Doe Jersey (more commonly known as the 'Coma Guy'), a half-eaten dark red apple in his right hand, his left hand wiping away the liquid that decorated his chin from the juiciness of the apple. Soon finished devouring the fruit, he placed the core next to the fruit basket on the bedside table, his eye continuously fixed on the large cable TV which – according to the patient's notes – was permanently fixed to only play shows on the Fox Network, this being the only network the patient watched while slobbing about the house most days (Light, of course, knew first-hand about the TV's quality: he'd tried every technique in the book to switch it onto an alternative network – even a game show on CBS would've been preferable).

Right now, the TV was blaring out the current barely-Network-Approved version of Fox News that existed these days, which – like Sakura TV – was famous for broadcasting the stories that the better news shows wouldn't touch, at the same time taking every chance to mock and distort everything with a series of tasteless jokes. So, accepting his lot, Light sat relaxing on the bed with his feet up watching Fox News, while taking advantage of the free food available, and the fact that Ryuk wasn't there to steal his apples.

The Art of Subconscious Illusion: Rewritten (Death NotexHouse, MD crossover)Where stories live. Discover now