Missing In Action

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Full Summary: The rewritten version of the original well-loved fic, this portrays the story of the fight between House the diagnostician and the mental patient who calls himself Kira. One week is all that is allotted for him and his team to save Kira from the world and himself…and House's neck is on the line.

A/N: Hello, Ruin Lee Oxford back again. Hopefully, this will suffice for a good chapter, and if you have anything to say about it, you know what to do.

In case you don’t know how an author like me can write so much and keep it all going, so to speak, then you should take a look at my profile on fanfiction.net (as Ruin Takada), where you can witness for yourselves the secrets of my success: Lists of upcoming projects, each with their own summaries and generally ordered according to when they are most likely to appear,  a list of chapters to appear and when (updated with every uploaded chapter), and even a blog of sorts, where you find out what I’m getting up to in the meantime. It’s quite spectacular to see, if I do say so myself.

Thanks for waiting, and please R&R!

Chapter V


"Doctor Gregory House! What the hell were you thinking?" The man on the receiving end was stood in front of the desk, listening but not taking it in, instead entertaining himself by looking at the barely credible medical degrees – the irony of her running an 'out-of-practise' Practice was too good to pass up.

Suddenly realising that her question was in no way rhetorical, he snapped his head back to face the woman, letting out a hiss when his already sore neck whined and yelled at him for using it so soon after its traumatic brush with death.

"House?" she asked, bringing his attention back to her question.

"Oh?" he replied, "I don't know… maybe… 'This guy's got my neck?' or… 'What do you know, my feet are dangling off the ground, and it's not like they've never done that before!'"

"And to think that you once had sense…" Dr Cuddy sighed, running a hand through her hair, rolling her eyes at the diagnostician, "Listen, once someone is admitted into hospital by the receptionist, they are our patient!"

"Well, sorry but Dora the receptionist hasn't been doing much of 'admitting' people in, lately. In fact, she should be fired for not doing her jo-"

"We're not here to talk about Dora, now are we? Rest assured, she'll get her comeuppance, but right now, you're in trouble for your misconduct!"

"Oh come on! A crazy guy holds innocent people hostage, kills a couple of them, and you don't expect me to act?"

"I at least expect you to be sensible in a crisis and act properly! If you've got a sedative to administer, then administer that!"

"But why do that when a swift conk to the head would be so much quicker? If I'd administered the drug, I'd be starved enough of oxygen to cause severe brain damage, if not death!"

Cuddy didn't answer straight away, instead resting her full weight on her hands, which laid flat on the desk. Sighing again, she looked back up at him, "Fine, I'll give you that, but you were still irresponsible. That patient may already be mentally disturbed, if his file is anything to go by, but I doubt that the dose of head trauma would've helped him any. However, you're on a warning now, and if you do anything to physically assault another patient again, you'll be doing a month of clinic duty, and you can forget about getting any cases until the end of that month." Lifting a hand, she started to wave him away, before stopping, holding up a finger.

The Art of Subconscious Illusion: Rewritten (Death NotexHouse, MD crossover)Where stories live. Discover now