19. "can we drink alcohol?"

Start from the beginning

I glared at him and quickly rushed in. I grabbed him by the back of his neck, ignoring his complaints. I dragged him over to the door and shoved him out before shutting the door and locking it.

I heard the guy pound on the door a couple times and complain about leaving him "out of the fun". Oh, give me a break!

I turned back to Carter to see him glaring at me.

"Why did you... That for?" He slurred out.

Great, he's wasted.

"Do you know what he was going to do?" I asked, highly doubting that he understood what that guys intentions were.

He rolled his eyes. "Um, yeah! He said he wanted t-to show me something!" He exclaimed in his drunken state.

I rolled my eyes now. "Do you know what he was talking about?" I asked.

I groaned. "No! I thought he was going to show me like a puppy or a, uhh... Something! But how am I s-s-supposed to know when you so rudely interrupted him?!" He tried to yell at me but it just came out as a weak shout.

I stared at him for a few second, while he stared at me.

Then I blurted it out. "He was going to fuck you."

Carter stared at me for a few seconds before his eyes slowly started to widen. He looked at where the man was once standing before looking back at me. His blotchy eyes were now as big as saucers. "Ohhhh..." Was all he said.

I sighed as I approached him. "It's okay, kitten. You're drunk, you didn't know." I said as I kneeled down in front of him.

I brought my hand up to his face and lightly brushed his cheek with my finger. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.

"You know," I said. "I'm not very happy with you right now." I told him.

He slowly nodded his head. "I know. And I'm... Going to throw up!" He quickly exclaimed and then turned to the side, throwing up on the floor and partially the bed.

I covered my nose as I had him stand up quickly so he wouldn't sit in his own vomit. I was about to turn him towards me when he threw up again, all over the floor.

I rubbed his back as I tried to whisper nice things to him. Once he was done puking, I ran over to the nightstand next to the bed and looked for tissue. I couldn't find any so I grabbed one of the pillows off the bed.

Sorry whoever lives here...

I brought the pillow over to Carter and handed it to him. "Wipe your mouth with that." I said. He put the pillow against his mouth and wiped the vomit off.

He tossed the pillow on the bed when he was done with it and quickly turned back to me. He wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me against him.

He tucked his head into my neck and sighed. I could smell the alcohol and vomit on his breath but I didn't say anything.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me, if that was even possible.


"I'm tired..." Carter complained again as we walked down the sidewalk.

We left the party a few minutes ago, good thing we did too since after we left I saw police cars heading that way. Someone must've finally called the damn cops.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked.

He lazily looked at me, still hardcore drunk. He looked down and lightly nodded his head.

"Here, jump on my back." I said before crouching down in front of him.

I felt him jump up onto my back. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I reached my hands back and grabbed his legs, hoisting them around my waist.

He nuzzled his face into the back of my neck. We walked in silence for a few minutes when Carter started falling asleep. I knew he was starting to drift off since his breathing got a little heavier. His breathing then slowed down and his body relaxed a little.

I then took a hold of his arms and legs so he wouldn't fall off of me. I'm actually quite happy he's asleep. This way my mom won't question if Carter is drunk or not. Then she'll never know we went to that party.

It was a couple more minutes before we reached my house. I walked in the house, all the while trying to make sure that Carter didn't fall. I shut the door with my foot and started walking up the stairs.

Good thing Carter is so light and I'm, not trying to brag or anything, strong, or else I would've fell or dropped him a while ago.

"How was the movie?" I heard my mom ask from the bottom of the stairs.

I got to the top before turning around. "It was great! Really action-packed!" I said, trying to brush my guilt off to the side for lying to my mom.

She smiled at me. "That's great, honey!" She said. "Which theater did you go to again?" She asked.

My eyes slightly widened as I thought. "Oh, you know, the one that's near the school." I answered.

"Your school?" She asked. "Your school that's a twenty minute drive away? So you're telling me that you walked an hour to the theater, then watched a two hour movie, then walked another hour back home... But somehow you were only gone for an hour." She said, while she stared at me with an unreadable expression.

I sighed and looked down. "Mom, I'm-" I started to speak but she cut me off.

"I don't want to hear it." She said quietly. I looked at her to see that she was holding back tears. "I trusted you." She said, the hurt evident in her voice. "When you told me that you were going to watch a movie I felt so proud and happy at how I responded to the whole skipping school and doing drugs fiasco. I felt like you actually listened to me and heard me because I responded in a good way that most parents wouldn't have... But I guess I was wrong."

"Mom," I said. "We decided to go get ice-" I started to speak but she cut me off again.

"Don't lie to me." She said. "Not again." She looked down and sniffled before speaking again. "I know you went to that party a few blocks away."

I gave her a confused look. "Were you spying on me?" I asked, hurt even though I shouldn't be the one hurt right now.

"No, I would never spy on you. Because I trust you... Or should I say trusted." She sighed again and looked up at me, a few stray tears slipping down her cheeks. "The old lady, Nancy, from next door called me and told me she saw you walking up to that party when she drove by."

I suddenly felt even more guilty. First I lied to my mom, then I accused her of not having trust in me. Which she did, which makes me feel even more guilty about lying.


She held her hand up. "Just go to bed..." She whispered before turning away and walking to the living room.

I sighed and turned around, walking to my bedroom.

I laid Carter in my bed and covered him with the blankets. I then laid down on the bed I made on the floor.

It was silent for a while before Carter whispered one last thing before I blacked out.

"I'm really sorry..."


I hope you all liked the chapter!

What do you think kg the situation right now? Who do you feel bad for? Jesse? Grace (Jesse's mom)? Or Carter?





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