10. invisible no more?

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[Taehyung's point of view]

Damn it!

I punched the wall in frustration. I felt my hand shaking but I didn't care.

I was too late.

I'm always late.

I can never do anything right.

I broke our promise.

I couldn't even remember my best friend.

-- Flashback --

"You promise to be my friend forever?"

"I do."

"You're supposed to say 'I promise' you idiot."

"Sorry, sorry. I promise. There happy?"

"Ecstatic! You promise you'll always be there when I call for you?"

"I promise."

"Yay!" She gave me a hug. I wanted to her to stay in my arms forever.

"Now you promise me."


"Do you promise to be my friend forever and to always be there for me?"

"I promise. Where else would I be?" She smiled at me, her eyes shining brighter than ever.

-- End of Flashback --

I let her down.

I left her all those years ago and didn't even realize it.

I can't go to her now because I don't have the time.

What do I do?

I already lost my first love once, I don't want to do it again.

But how can I fix this?

[Aasta's point of view]

That's weird.

The lights to my house are on, but no one's home.

I cautiously made my way to the front gate and relaxed when I saw my parents' car. At least it's not a burglar.

But, to be honest, I would have preferred the burglar.

I stepped in and closed the door loudly to alert my parents that I'm home. Since, you know, I don't talk.

"Aasta?! Is that you?! Come into the kitchen! We need to tell you something!"

Weird. They're talking to me.

They notice me.

What's going on?!

I made my way to the kitchen to see both my mom and dad. Weird. Dad would never be home unless something big happened.

"By the look on your face I can tell your surprised to see me right?"

I nodded to my dad and sat down next to him, across from my mom.

"Well, we have big news and part of it concerns you."


I looked to my mom for conformation and she simply nodded. I turned back to my dad, signaling for him to continue.

"Some of my colleagues, or you could say competitors, found your website and are interested in scouting you for their company."

Shocked is my face right now.

"Yes. Really. We're not making this up." My mom said.

"So, it's entirely your choice, but I would like you to be a part of my company and perform next week as your debut."

I'm so close to fainting right now.

"I've checked out your website and I can say that I am very pleased with what I saw and heard. Your dance covers are flawless and your vocal range is impeccable. You are a perfect candidate for this company. So, what do you say?"

I took out my phone and typed in my answer.

They looked at each other before my dad answered my question.

"It's entirely your choice. If you don't want the world to know who you really are, than we would be happy to keep it a secret."

I smiled brightly towards them and put my phone away.

"So? Is it a yes?" My mom asked anxiously.

I nodded.

They both came running up to me and we did a group hug. Well, they did the hugging. I just stood there taking it in as much as I can before it all fades away and they ignore me again.

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