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wtf how am i on the fifth chapter already when does this happen


motionlessmin: good morning, dongsaeng! 

jamlessjimin: hi. 

motionlessmin: wow
motionlessmin: rude
motionlessmin: but thats ok bc i love you
motionlessmin: <3

jamlessjimin: really? :/ 

motionlessmin: yes! <3 mwah~ love you jimine!1!11!!11!

jamlessjimin: yeah sure and im straight

motionlessmin: but youre not.

jamlessjimin: and you dont like me.

motionlessmin: ?
motionlessmin: i do?

jamlessjimin: sure.
jamlessjimin: and we're friends.

motionlessmin: we're not?

tae2thekook: hyung
tae2thekook: youre getting rejected
tae2thekook: stop already

motionlessmin: T_T


motionlessmin: jimin

jamlessjimin: what

motionlessmin: what's ur number

jamlessjimin: no

- jamlessjimin is now offline - 

motionlessmin: wow salty
motionlessmin: well mine is: 3242421431
motionlessmin: call me anytime ;)

- jamlessjimin is now online! - 

jamlessjimin: hyung wtf.

motionlessmin: omg i see that hyung

jamlessjimin: oh wow.
jamlessjimin: i dont give a shit.

motionlessmin: i dont give a fuck? 

jamlessjimin: shut up 

motionlessmin: ok T_T

jamlessjimin: is2g no stop

motionlessmin: ily jimin

jamlessjimin: ihy

motionlessmin: what? <3

jamlessjimin: i.hate.you

motionlessmin: aww
motionlessmin: cute
motionlessmin: you know you love me

jamlessjimin: yeah no

motionlessmin: omg i nearly forgot
motionlessmin: this new kid came into our class today
motionlessmin: hes really cute
motionlessmin: she*
motionlessmin: ahh<3

jamlessjimin: yeah, cool.
jamlessjimin: whats her name.

motionlessmin: chaerin.
motionlessmin: lee chaerin.
motionlessmin: but she told me to call her cl instead x'D
motionlessmin: cute isnt it

jamlessjimin: sure i guess

motionlessmin: arent you excited for me? i got a girlfriend. you jealous?

jamlessjimin: am i shit.

jamlessjimin: its not like i liked you or anything
jamlessjimin: its not like i li |
jamlessjimin: its n | 

motionlessmin: T_T aw dongsaeng dont be like that

jamlessjimin: shut up.

- jamlessjimin is now offline - 

motionlessmin: jiminnie i still love you~<3

- jamlessjimin is now online! - 

jamlessjimin: shut the fuck up

- jamlessjimin is now offline - 

motionlessmin: you know you love me ;'D

"what.." jimin muttered. even if he wasn't online, he still got the notification and his heart was racing. "yes, yoongi, i do. i do love you." suddenly, jimin got an idea.

jamlessjimin: jin-hyung?

eatjin: yo

jamlessjimin: does yoongi have any other forms of social media?

eatjin: ask him yourself

- eatjin is offline! -  


jamlessjimin: hyung! ^o^

tae2mykook: im younger than you..?

jamlessjimin: oh, sorry 
jamlessjimin: why is the chat called 'bts' tho? 

tae2mykook: 'b'isexual
tae2mykook: 't'ransgender
tae2mykook: 's'luts

jamlessjimin: oh ok
jamlessjimin: wait
jamlessjimin: sluts?

tae2mykook: gotta tao

- tae2mykook is offline - 

"aish.." jimin pouted. he was about to text yoongi, when he got a notification. it was yoongi. he'd posted a status.

{ oh my god kill me now
the boy i like is pouting rn T_T
i think he knows im here tho
i told him i have a girlfriend
i dont
i just want to make him jealous T___T
wish me luck guys.

~min yoons x'D


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