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jhoerse: what up sluts

tae2mykook: omfg wtf no not him

kook2mytae: ^

motionlessmin: guys
motionlessmin: jimin hates me now i think

tae2mykook: who

motionlessmin: this guy i like

tae2mykook: is he cute

motionlessmin: holy shit yes

tae2mykook: ok
tae2mykook: so why is he mad

motionlessmin: idk

tae2mykook: then he's not mad hyung

motionlessmin: but he is
motionlessmin: he said i should have been aborted T_T

kook2mytae: woah wtf he is mad

motionlessmin: yeah no shit
motionlessmin: and he fucking swore at me! like no! dont swear at me hes like 2

tae2mykook: ew you like 2 year olds

motionlessmin: look who's talking

kook2mytae: wtf stfu yoongi wtf

motionlessmin: shhh youre 1

tae2mykook: uH
tae2mykook: and thats a long ass ride.

kook2mytae: wtf is that nct u 

motionlessmin: yes kids

tae2mykook: what

kook2mytae: what

eatjin: what

kimjoon: what

jhoerse: what

jamlessjimin: ew. 
jamlessjimin: its you. 

kook2mytae: hyung wtf did he do to you

jamlessjimin: hes such a wimp
jamlessjimin: nearly every band he likes he cries over omfg

kook2mytae: wtf hahaha
kook2mytae: but i kinda get what he means
kook2mytae: i cry over snsd

motionlessmin: snsd? kids?

kook2mytae: ^ omg wtf are you even gay mate

motionlessmin: no im bisexual

kook2mytae: makes sense

motionlessmin: sure k 

tae2mykook: ok so
tae2mykook: me and kookie will 
tae2mykook: (try)
tae2mykook: and get you two together

motionlessmin: ew no

jamlessjimin: ew wtf
jamlessjimin: youre joking
jamlessjimin: ..right?

motionlessmin: ^

tae2mykook: y...yeah.
tae2mykook: of course i am ^-^ haha

kook2mytae: tae wtf

tae2mykook: kookie im sorry but maybe yoonmin isnt meant to be

kook2mytae: wtf yes it is.

motionlessmini: wtf no its not.

jamlessjimin: ew wtf no i hate yoongi

kook2mytae: love*

jamlessjimin: ew no get lost


motionlessmin: jimin
motionlessmin: jimin
motionlessmin: jimen
motionlessmin: jimin T_T

jamlessjimin: are you crying again.

motionlessmin: ...
motionlessmin: ...maybe x'D
motionlessmin: im sorry

jamlessjimin: yeah whatever

motionlessmin: wtf where's the 'hyung'? 
motionlessmin: im older you baozi

jamlessjimin: no omfg

motionlessmin: baozi...
motionlessmin: wait
motionlessmin: that's chen's ex
motionlessmin: and luhan's boyfriend

jamlessjimin: luhan? chen? 

motionlessmin: members of a band

jamlessjimin: oh 

motionlessmin: sehun

jamlessjimin: oh
jamlessjimin: what
jamlessjimin: the
jamlessjimin: fuck

motionlessmin: xiuhan<3

jamlessjimin: bye.

- jamlessjimin is now offline - 

motionlessmin: we could be like minseok and luhan but no T_T
motionlessmin: is it too soon or do i like you jimin TT_TT
motionlessmin: pls dont come online

 - jamlessjimin is now online! - 

motionlessmin: shit
motionlessmin: gotta hyunseung

- motionlessmin is now offline - 

jamlessjimin: wait what
jamlessjimin: you like me?
jamlessjimin: youve never seen my face before
jamlessjimin: calm down you pedo
jamlessjimin: you sure youre not just on your period

- jamlessjimin is now offline - 

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