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What I had done yesterday felt really good. I felt like a new and improved person without glasses resting on my nose, without plain hair, I had a beautiful set of pearly whites to show off and new clothes shoes hats and accessories!! I took a shower and since my natural hair is curly I left it in its natural state. My outfit of the day was:
A jean button up crop top
Adidas (black stripes white base)
Black jeans
Clear choker
Soft makeup
I heard Natalie come out of the shower. Once she came down she was wearing:
A gray shirt that revealed a little cleavage but covered by straps
Black jeans that were folded right above the ankle
Black low rise converse
She had straighten her hair and added a little eyeshadow to her eyes that complemented her skin.
**Skip to school**
When we arrived to school there were people outside talking but once we caught their attention, well let's just say we got a lot of it.
"Que pasa mami?!"
"Aye! Can I hit it from behind tho?"
"Can I get yo numbers?"
"Where you from?"
"Ain't never seen you two sexy mamas here before!"
Me and Natalie just looked at each other because the people that once called us ugly and worthless were practically praising us!
Then I saw Hunter. "Hey Hunter!"
He looked at me and Natalie puzzled. "I'm sorry who are you?"
I looked at him. He didn't recognize us either..." I'm your girlfriend!" He shook his head. "I already have a girlfriend and it's definitely not you." "But baby we can show you a much better time than her." Natalie followed along.
"Yea!" I said. "No sorry I hurt the girl I loved for so long not doing it again." He said about to walk away. "Lmao Hunter stop its me!" He stopped and turned around "for the last time I don't know who you are!" I looked at him. "I'm Alyssa! That's Natalie ring a bell?" His jaw dropped. "What...the...hell?" I waved. "You look stunning. Precious." He said still in shock. I giggled. "Not to bad yourself pretty boy. You might wanna close your mouth before flies fly in." I said as I shut his mouth softly. "W-where'd you get the money tho?" "I got it from some savings. I always have extra so I save it up." He nodded. "Welllll we should get going to classss guysss!" Natalie said breaking the silence.
When we got inside some teacher was in the hallway and thought we were new kids so he asked if we were new it lost. "No it's Alyssa Ray and Natalie Portman remember?" I said and they nodded. "Well you two look very nice today!" "Why thank you!" We said and the teacher walked away.
During class I was getting a lot of looks. I mean I felt kinda uncomfortable because these people never liked me. I should probably have a name tag with my name on it so people know it's me.
**skip to after school**
"So Aly do you wanna come to ma house?" Hunter asked wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed. "Natalie you wanna ?" She nodded "sure why not. I am the third wheel!" We laughed. She was. But Brandon's probably gonna be there so she'll have someone. (I'm changing Brandon's age to the same as Natalie's). "Guess we're going to your house!" I said. Hunter pulled me closer to him and intertwined his hands with mine. "I love you baby girl." He said into my ear and kisses my cheek. "I love you too Hunter." I said. Once we got to his house he knocked and there was Ashton! "Hey Ashton!" He looked at me. "Your really pretty, but I don't know you." I giggled "thanks your really cute. It's Alyssa remember?" I said hoping he would. "Aly? Really? You look so different! ALY I MISSED YOU SOOO MUCH!!" He yelled causing for Christine to come out the kitchen and Brandon to come rushing down running towards me, but both Christine and Brandon stopped in their tracks.
"Ashton that's not Alyssa." Brandon said.
"Wait yes it is... I recognize those eyes anywhere." Christine said running towards me and giving me a hug. I hugged her back cause she was the only mom figure I had in my life. She's back. O was gonna start crying so she looked at me and wiped my tears "We've missed you a lot." She said. Brandon just stood there. "Yea I've missed you too." He said coming to hug me. "Well to be honest I've missed all of you too. I'm happy to see you guys again." Then we all hugged.
"Are you girls hungry?"
I nodded "yea I actually am."
"Ya me too." Natalie said.
"I'll whip up some waffles so you can eat em with ice cream. Or do you want pancakes? You know what pancakes it is! Heck why not both!" She said as she held up a whisk. We all kinda giggled and laughed.
We ended up spending the night at there house I slept in bed with Hunter and Natalie slept in the bunk above us.
"Goodnight princess" Hunter told me as he pecked at my lips.
"Goodnight, I love you." I said and pecked at his.
"Love you too. Now shut your eyes dork" he said passing his hand over my face.
I laughed and turned around he wrapped his arms behind me and we drifted to sleep.
HEYYYYY HOESS I'm playing y'all aren't hoes. But HEYYY did you like it?
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