He realises his mistake

Start from the beginning


I refuse to leave the manor what's the point if my princess isn't with me, I don't even know if she's safe? (name) doesn't know many people, in the end, Claude drags me out I growl and say "why the bloody hell did you bring me here?" Claude says "it is not healthy to be inside all the time, your highness"

As I walk pass I hear "stop it grandfather that tickles" that voice it sounds like, I stop and look to see (name) (mothers name) and two others (mothers name) said "father I think (name) can't take anymore" (name) ran to (mothers name) she hugged her and said "thank you mother, don't let him get me, grandmother help" she's laughing and smiling she found her mother

(name) sees me she glares at me with so much anger hatred and sadness is it because she misses me? or the sadness I've caused her? god I'm a bloody fool I say "let's go, Claude," he bows we return to the manor, I lock myself in my room and trash it I sit against my bed running my hands through my hair, god I'm a bloody fool its clear she hates me she's forgotten about me and refuses to acknowledge me anymore, maybe I should just die that should make her happy that's all I want for (name) my princess is her happiness


(name) is being childish she was more than happy before but since that dam woman her so-called mother came, she heard everything and now she's gone his highness wants me to spy on lord phantomhive so I am going to, as I watch I hear "Alex can you help me" that's, I look from the trees and see (name) she's with that crows son she has disobeyed me

Soon Michaelis comes if he so much as lays a finger on her I will kill him, (name) shows him he smiles and says "well done (name) your skills are improving" she smiles and hugs him Michaelis pats her head, why is she with him? (name) says "you're lucky Alex," he says "why is that (name)?" she says "because your dads so nice and kind, he praise you I mean mines heartless he may be my father but yours acts like one mine doesn't"

Sebastian says "now why don't you serve them to the master its almost time for afternoon tea" (name) nods and leaves with the boy, I return to the trancy manor and sit in (names) room, what have I done she's right I've not been a good father perhaps I was too strict on her, but the way she looked at him its

I sigh and take my glasses off and rub my eyes, how can I fix this? I need to get her back, has she found her mother? I might have to ask that damn crow how to get her back, no I will not give him that satisfaction of knowing


I can't believe I pushed my little ruby away, I just lie on the sofa my hair is no longer red I've dyed it back to that hideous brown but why should I have things bright and cheerful around me, my sunshine is gone I hear the door but don't answer I then see Ronald he says "yo Grell, whoa what happened here?" I say "she's gone my little ruby's gone, what's the point my daughters gone," Ronald says "she's ok and safe"

I bolt up and say "you know where she is tell me" Ronald puts his hands up and says "calm down, I've seen her she's fine but she's ticked off at you big time" I sigh she's really mad at me, she thinks I don't want her and never did sure I was unsure at first, but when William said she was mine I loved her from that moment

Ronald said "I know where she is at the moment" I look at him he says "why don't you get changed and go see her, even if she doesn't see you that way you know she's ok and not hurt, I know you care just give her time to calm down and I'm sure she'll come to you"

I nod I change into black I put (names) red ribbon in my hair, it's the only bit of red I will wear besides my glasses, I follow Ronald and see (name) she's smiling and laughing with (mothers name) she found her, is she staying with here?

Ronald said, "you know the woman she's with?" I nod and say "its (names) mother she looks happy with her, she doesn't need me now (name) has her mother she can look after (name) much better than me, I'm a failure as a father" I leave and return home its quiet no laughter no happiness, no welcome home dad or let me guess overtime again

I go to (names) room and lie on the bed I can't die I'm immortal but I wish I could, I don't deserve to be here I hurt my daughter I hate myself, and (name) I don't blame you in the slightest my little ruby, a few tears come out of my eyes I say "I'm sorry (name) daddy's so sorry my little ruby"


The little earl and his butler are here normally a joke from the butler and I'm in stitches but no, nothing can make me laugh the earl says "what's the matter, undertaker? sebastian hasn't made you laugh once and I need my information" I just hand him the paper and say "all you need to know is here" the butler says "this is serious master, he has willingly given information over without payment" the earl says "yes, Undertaker is it to do with (name)?"

I nod I miss her laugh it brightened up my day to hear it, the earl says "this must have shocked him, having (name) mad at him your jokes normally work in an instant" after they leave I close up shop and walk around

Soon I see (name) she looks sad she has no smile, I've hurt her more than ever I should have gotten her that day so she could have heard about her mother, and yet I didn't the only thing I can do is make it up to her the best I can, it won't be easy but where do I start?

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