Chapter 6

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She got to the place as fast she could. The bladder inside her was exploding. She found the garbage boy cleaning the entrance of the restaurant and spoke to him, “Could I please use your washroom?” she insisted.

He looked at her and then he looked at the bat and back at her. “Are you going to hit me if is say no?”

“Maybe, you see I really need to go please” Danielle bent a little holding her knees together.

“Alright alright, but the tap is loose so be careful. Go straight and then right” he told and she quickly ran inside.

Danielle got inside the washroom on time and felt much better after. She walked over to the basin and turned the tap on to wash her hands but no water poured out. She twisted the tap aggressively and no time, it broke, spraying the entire tap’s water over Danielle’s face and clothes. She struggled to shut the tap but it wasn’t possible. It was broken for good.

Danielle screamed for help as she got soaked by the fast flowing water that sprayed all over her. The garbage boy came to her help, shutting the water from its main pipeline and holding his laughter looking at Danielle.

“I’m sorry” she said, grabbing her baseball bat and walking outside the restaurant. The garbage boy didn’t say a word. He just let her go, pitying her state of condition and he knew if he said anything else, the insane women would just smack him.

Danielle begged god about the fact that he should help her get home instead of ruining her every second of being alone. First the ankle sprain and then the kiss that almost stole her heart and the sad fact that it would never happen again with such a perfect man, then the weird taxi driver and his story. Later the fact she didn’t have any shoes on and then the stupid teenagers in the lane costing her new tiers for her car and now the stupid restaurant because of which she was soaking wet with a baseball hat in her hand, looking like she just broke out of the asylum.

Danielle tried to search for a taxi but it seemed impossible. She looked at the time in her mobile phone and it was almost 10 pm. She had Macy’s number but she wasn’t ready to speak to her just yet.

She didn’t have any taxi’s number nor enough money to go home, did this mean she would be walking home? Her house was another half an hour away. ‘This is bullshit! Cow shit! Dog shit! Cat shit! Birds Shit! This is all the shit in the world I can think off! Why do you hate me so much?’ Danielle cursed the sky. ‘I don’t understand! I haven’t done anything to harm you! I haven’t hurt you! Killed your family! Got you a perfect job and on the first day and made you meet the perfect man and then take it all away from you to make your life even more miserable! And this shit right now. I’m bloody soaking wet, with a sore ankle, no shoes, walking home and all alone!!’ Danielle screamed. She was tired of everything. She was tired of life itself. Enough was enough.

She continued the rest of her journey quietly in the dark night. Danielle thought she will never get home but she was wrong. She did get home but very late in the night around 12 am.

The first thing she did was slip into the shower with her clothes on. She stood under the hot water and stared at the water droplets forming over her shower curtains. She wanted to laugh at herself. She was alone again and maybe it was her fault this time but loneliness seemed more like a friend now, always by her side in the good and the  bad times. Tears drop from her eyes absently and she let them fall without a single noise or murmur.

She took off her clothes and wrapped herself in a towel and got out of the shower. She walked into her bedroom and rolled into the sheets and fell off to sleep.

The sunlight entered her bedroom, bringing a new day and a new chance to change her bad luck but Danielle overlooked all of that and woke up to a sore body. Her feet hurt and her chest had marks of the towel she had forgotten to remove the previous night. She changed into comfortable clothes and performed her daily morning chores. Then she took the last few dollars she had saved and put it into her purse and carried her car keys with her. She tried calling the tow company from her cell phone before she left but they weren’t picking up the phone.

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