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He recovered from his mysterious operation in a few weeks and begun to formulate an escape plan. He smuggled spoon, forks (and twigs for some reason) and initiated phase 1 of his plan, which involved tunneling out under his bed. His progress was slow, but the staff had grown careless and complacent and his subterfuge remained undiscovered. Eventually, he reached the outside yard, unfortunately there was still a high wall in the way. It was nighttime, which helped. The trees in the outdoors area had been planted away from the wall but a thick growth of Ivy had clambered up the wall over the years and he nimbly clambered up the broad stems, his wounds, now no more than scars, hindered him not as he made his daring escape. Once he'd reached the top of the wall however he ran into a rather major problem. The Ivy had only grown on one side of the wall and as such there was no way down. It was above a road however and after a brief wait a lorry appeared . He waited, and then jumped onto the lorry, just as it was passing, but he had overestimated the strength of the canvas and he tore right through it landing heavily on many crates of oranges. The juice leaked and pooled around him as he lay there, reminiscing about his sandwiches which soon enough sent him to a peaceful sleep, leaving a trail of orange juice on the road.

The truck jolted to a stop at a service station, rudely awakening Ted. He slid out of the truck and padded off into the bushes. He wandered through the trees until he found what he was looking for, a field full of crops. He crept through it, barely making a sound until he reached the barn and gently pried a couple of boards loose. He combined these boards with some rope to make a sort of platform which he hefted onto his back and headed into the field with. He placed the board down, bending the stalks and then stood on it, compressing them. He worked through the night creating an intricate pattern composed of lines, circles and dots until he was satisfied. The aliens would take a little time to arrive so Ted used this time to prepare. He spoke to people, made dodgy contacts and using his fortune, hired a team of people for a very special job.

Ted the Narcoleptic Sandwich CollectorWhere stories live. Discover now