The Abduction

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Ted was not a normal person. That is to say, not normal in his head. He had two eyes, two arms, two legs, a mouth and a nose just like you or I. He had a mop of brown hair and a light stubble across his chin and cheeks. However the thing that made Ted different was that Ted wanted to complete his dream. His dream was to collect a sandwich from every single country in the world, all 195 of them and not one less. He had a medium sized cabin in the middle of the woods with a large cellar underneath for storing these sandwiches.

He started off in England, the country of his birth. From there he traveled by car, boat, plane and train. He went into battlefields and traveled to the most hostile climates, just for his dream. Slowly but surely he amassed his collection. Sandwiches of all shapes and sizes were represented in this one room of food. Some countries proved harder than others but despite his strangeness he was clever and determined. He treasured each sandwich and installed a state-of-the-art security system to protect them. By now you must be wondering where he got all the money needed for this monumental task, and the answer is; he'd inherited a great fortune from his parents, who sadly, but conveniently passed away. He'd travel to each country on his list and stay there until he had acquired a suitable sandwich then pack up and move on.

He was gradually working his way up South America when he decided to take a detour to Roswell whilst passing through Mexico. He trundled along a dirt track in a rented land rover (because you can always trust a Land Rover) and stopped next to a little town. Whilst he was there he brought a sandwich which he then wrapped in several layers of cling film, bubble wrap and duct-tape. This was then placed inside a high quality cool box. This cool-box was then put inside a metal case which he padded with cushions and finally strapped to the bed of his rented land rover. He decided to stay the night as it was quite late and so he camped on a ridge overlooking the town. As night fell he crawled into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes. He woke up in an unfamiliar room strapped to a padded bed with restraints on his limbs. He looked around, found he couldn't do anything and feel back asleep as he was a logical person and had been having a nice dream.

Ted the Narcoleptic Sandwich CollectorWhere stories live. Discover now