"No..." I whined as I tried to make my way over to her with my arms outstretched and in her direction.

She immediately put her hand up to block me from touching her, but she failed as I managed to push passed her barriers and squeeze her to an oblivion.

"Keep squeezing me and the baby will pop out!" She warned me.

I smirked and backed up a bit, "That poor little nugget has a mean mama." I joked.

Daphne laughed, "I still can't believe your having a girl, I always thought you and my brother would have a son that will be as devious as Nicolas used to be in his young days." She said eyeing her stomach with glee.

Val made a face, "Please no. All I wish for is happy quiet baby. If she ends up anything like Nicolas I'm going to have my hands full." She said.

That was true, Nicolas was a bit of handful to deal with.

We all laughed just as my mother walked in with a tray of pipping hot tea in her arms.

"I have the tea girls! A cup for everyone...it will help with everything...even the baby!" My mother said as she set the cups in front of us.

"Thanks, Ms. Williams." Daphne thanked her as she picked up the tea and blew on it.

Valeria did the same with her cup.

I watched both of them for their reaction, I had this tea many times so I knew what kind of witchcraft I was dealing with.

A moment passed and the girls had a sip of the tea and their faces....looked disgusted.

I laughed.

"You don't like?" My mother asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"Is this sewer water?!" Daphne coughed and said in her native language.

Valeria covered her mouth from spitting out the liquid, part of it was because she was trying really hard not to laugh and throw up at the same time.

"Drink up, ladies." I said with an evil grin on my face.

My mother slapped my arm and pointed to my cup, "Drink your tea, Jiyayi!" She scolded me.

I frowned and picked the cup up with one hand, and in another swift motion plugged my nose with the other hand. I scoffed it down in the small cup and thanked God when I had finished torturing myself; the weird thing about the tea was that I was always left feeling like my body was tingling and on some sort of high.

It was creepy.

I shivered.

Valeria slammed her cup down as if she had finished taking a shot, except it wasn't and she had just finished the tea and smiled proudly. "Whoa..." She rubbed her arms in a bit of a shiver. "What did you put in this mama bear?" She questioned her.

She shrugged with a sinister smile on her face, "A secret recipe...passed on generations from my family." She said secretively as if she had accomplished something.

"And China." I added which got me a bop at the back of my head.

Daphne was the last one who was taking her time drinking the tea in baby sips. Her eyes were focused intently on the cloudy green liquid as she tried her best to finish it all like we had.

I commended her.

"Just drink it all in one sip, Daph." Val said after we waited for her to finish the drink.

Daphne gagged, "Easier said than done." She made a noise with her throat and then finally downed the liquid in one big gulp.

My mother clapped, "Now you all will be strong for this wedding, you can thank me later." She said cockily.

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