Chapter Two

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"If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956


I'm going to be a father.

That was the first thing that brushed my dazed mind in the morning; the thought brought a wide smile across my face.

Valeria who was sleeping peacefully beside me stirred slightly and I turned to gaze upon the beauty I got to call my wife.

She was very tired after the many rounds we shared last night, but I just couldn't help myself. After hearing the news that she was pregnant my excitement just became too much to contain. I was a lot more calmer now but that didn't stop the countless scenarios that played through my head of having a miniature Valeria or myself running around and growing up to be the person he or she is.

I found myself mesmerized by her dark locks and wondered if our child will carry the same trait. My hands subconsciously played with the curly ends as she murmured something in her sleep. I smiled and then placed my hand on her soon-to-be growing stomach.

"We have a doctor's appointment today." Valeria's voice brought my attention upwards towards her face.

She was running her hands through her hair and yawning at the same time, when her eyes focused on me she quirked her eyebrow. "What?" She asked me.

I shook my head, "Nothing, beautiful." I reached over so I could kiss her and she returned the kiss lightly.

"Do you have to go into the office, babe?" She asked me as she sat up and stretched out her muscles.

I nodded, "But I'll move things around so I can attend the appointment." I informed her.

She looked at me seriously. "Good, cause I'm sick of your late nights...since we're having a baby we both need to be focusing more of our time at home."

I agreed with her; the last thing I would want is for our baby to feel neglected. I even tried my best getting home at a reasonable time for the sake of Mila, but I think I needed to make more of an effort now; the office would be fine without me for a couple hours less than usual.

"Babe?" Valeria called out to me.

I looked up at her curiously, "Yes angelo?" I answered.

She gave me a lop-sided grin, "When are we going to tell Mila we're having a baby?" She asked me.

I sat up a little in bed and sighed. "Maybe after we go to the doctor's office...and then maybe after that we can take her along for some of the appointments." I suggested.

She nodded and opened her mouth to say something else but just as quickly she covered it and went bolting for the bathroom.

As alarmed I was at her sudden burst of movement, I got up out of bed and followed her into the bathroom.

Valeria was crouched by the toilet making acquaintances with last-night's dinner.

I immediately came to her aid and held back her hair and patted her back supportively.

When she was finished, she stood up and brushed her teeth.

"Do you need anything, bello?" I asked her as I leaned against the tile wall of the bathroom.

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