Chapter 9

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I fell asleep quickly that night, despite that creepy grin peering down on my for what seemed like eternity. But soon tiredness wins against creepy-smiling-assholes and I fall asleep.
I sit up in my bed, but around me isn't my room. Or Earth, for that matter. It's covered in a green and black mass of what looks like an endless mass of green and black shit. I stand up on my bed and jump off, my feet hitting sold ground one what looks like green. I begin to walk, I have to go somewhere. Somewhere special and important. I walk through, green ghosts I think swirling around me.
"Murderer!" One shrieks annoyingly.
"Killer!" Another playfully laughs.
"Slaughterer!" The last one says in a baritone voice.
"You're just being redundant!" I snap back as I begin to walk along the path, now outlined for me. Suddenly my feet slip out from under me. No the floor slips out from under me and I fall and fall and fall and I expect to wake up but I hit something hard instead.
"Stupid!" One of the ghost snaps.
"Unintelligent, fool!"
"STOP IT!" I scream and make a punching motion towards one of them, a green bean shoots from my hand and hits it. Without thinking I shoot the others, missing a lot.
"AHHHH!" They scream and wiggle all around the room.
"Die die die DIE!" I scream and let a huge beam shoot from my hand, disintegrating them quickly. I center myself and continue on, walking quickly and covering my ears. I didn't like this, it felt real. Maybe it was real? Maybe I was starting to loose my mind like Vlad whatch-em-e-call-it. It would make sense, poor mom and dad. They've killed like two people with the same thing that must suck.
I snap back to attention when I feel something gold on my hand. I look up too it is just sticking out, but I quickly pull it back. My mind began to get fuzzy, like really fuzzy. I HAD to take another step. I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to...
"STOP IT!" I scream at the voice. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD STOP IT STOP IT NOW!"
"Who are you yelling at Danny?" Someone smoothly snaps in my head.
"But I am you... So all you are doing is yelling at yourself."
"I am you Danny. Accept it NOW."
"I SAID GET OOOOOUUUUTTTTT!" I scream so loudly the world shook and began to shatter around me. I cover my ears and I can feel tears in my eyes as my mind flickered with images. Gross, disgusting, hurl-worthy images of my family dead in the most grotesque way possible and the world shattered, everything and everyone dying in an instant. I could feel that that was my fault, it was it was it was it was...
"I SAID FUCKING STOP!" I screamed so loudly my mind went completely blank.

I open my eyes to see I'm in the basement, a green light casting a threatening shadow on me. I got up and begin to back away, I was really close to the ghost portal, so close I could have fallen in if I was like an inch to the left. My breathing was heavy, the dream -no nightmare was crystal clear in my head, every second of it. My eyes tested up, my throat began to choke and I fell to the ground in sobs. I put my hand in my mouth, and I begin to chew it. I punch it in my back teeth and slash open my fingers and grind my knuckles in my front teeth. My eyes were so teary I could see or hear or feel. I felt numb, completely gone like I should be. I don't feel anything but soon I see blood pouring from it. All the pain comes at once and I fall down crying, screaming, blood falling into the floor by the gallons, swallowing me up.
What was happening to me?
"Danny?" I hear a voice. I jump up and begin to run but the person/thing grabs my collar and I fall to the ground.
I sniffle, "Ow..."
"Let's get you cleaned up." I feel the voice grab my good hand and hoist me up. I felt threatened, I felt scared I just wanted to run and hide forever I wanted to kill everything and just be alone...
"NO!" I scream, tears coming out faster. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MONSTER!"
"Danny calm down." The thing grips harder on my hand.
"Danny it's me!" The voice says calmly, "It's your sister Jazz, calm down."
I do calm down and I feel her press her fingers to my eyes and wipe away my tears. I look at her, a, genuine, reassuring smile stretched on her face. My eyes glance to her hands where she was wiping them on her pants, it looked like blood.
"AM I CRYING-" I begin to scream.
"Shhhshsh." Jazz quiets me as she leads me up the stairs. "It's alright Danny you can speak calmly now."
"A-Am I crying b-bl-blood?" I manage to say.
"Just a little bit." She smiles as she makes me sit on the table. "But I'll fix you up in no time trust me you're in good hands." I nod and stare at my smashed hand, the pain gone and all that was left was a trail of blood from the basement to the kitchen.
"I just wanna die." I say loudly as she comes back. "Can you just kill me please?"
"No." She says firmly, "You don't want to die Danny that is just a bad idea."
"No buts. You are dying when nature intends you too." She snaps back, pouring some stingy stuff on my hand. "I don't want my baby brother to die before mom and dad do at least."
"When they die I can die?" I say, an idea in my head.
"No." Jazz snaps back, pulling out the ace bandages. "You will die when nature makes you, of old age. You got it?"
I nod, and she starts to wrap my hand, blood still dripping a little.
"You know nature kills people earlier than old age." I mumble. "Like with disease and car accidents."
"Listen Danny." Jazz looks up at me, "I don't want to loose you. This is a hard time in everyone, especially you. You have to be brave and stay strong for you, and all your family and friends. If you just give up during the hard parts then you'll never accomplish anything."
"Except death." I mumble quietly to myself. Thankfully, she doesn't hear it and finished my hand. Helping me upstairs, my head still fuzzy, she tucks me into bed and leave quietly.
My eyes close a little but then they open suddenly.
"Ow!" I mumble to myself. "Why does my hand hurt so fucking much!"



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