Chapter 6

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I stare at the two haunting doors in front of me, unable to move. I can hear kids inside screaming at each other, why is this a good idea again?
"C'mon Danny you can't hide in your room forever." Jazz pushes open both doors in front of us loudly. I creep in, people looking at me, a few hi's here and there but most people were silent. Staring at me and whispering into their friends ears. I walk down the hallway, wishing I was invisible.
"DANNY!" Someone shouts. I turn around to see Sam and Tucker jumping on top of me.
"Hey... Guys." I manage to squeak.
"Dude we missed you so much!" Tucker laughs. They get off of me and people pretend hey weren't just staring.
"Y-Yeah thanks guys." I smile and lie, "It's good to be back."
"So do your parents know?" Tucker gets close and whispers, "About the portal accident, I mean."
"I don't think so." I begin to walk. "I may have told them but I don't remember saying anything."
My friends exchange looks of confusion. "Riiiight."
"So uh do either of you guys remember my locker number?" I scratch the back of my wrist.
"You don't remember?" Sam asks.
"Sorry I guess it's been a while." I blush.
Tucker clears his throat. "Dude it's fine. You're locker 309." He grabs my wrist and pulls me over to my locker. I stare at the lock, and bite my lip.
"Don't worry I got you." Sam shoves me out of the way playfully and unlocks my locker. "It's 1-15-5 for the record."
"Right thanks." I stare in to see all my folders and note books lined up messily inside. I grab random ones and throw them all in my bag, slamming my locker quickly, I think I saw something moving up there. A chill ran up my spin and I look the other way.
"Let's go to class." Sam and Tucker begin to leave and I trail behind. "I doubt you wanna be late."
"Yeah." I laugh nervously to myself. My eyes wonder and I see my friend leaning against a wall. He winks and makes a gun shape with his hand, pretending to shoot it. I grit my teeth, first the guy says he doesn't wanna come to school and then he does come and THAT'S all I get. Seriously? Sometimes he is just such a dick I can't handle it.
"Dude you okay?" Tucker asks as we enter he classroom. "You look a little blue."
I exhale and inhale quickly. For some reason, I hadn't exactly been breathing.
"Ah Mr. Fenton," Mr Lancer snips behind me, "How nice of you to finally join us."
"Thanks I-"
"Wait Fenton's back!" A voice booms and another chill ran through my body. I turn around to see Dash's looming body hanging over me. He had gotten taller and stronger while I had gotten smaller and weaker.
"Dash I would appreciate if I could have a word with Mr. Fenton alone." Mr. Lancer frowned and Dash went to sit down, yelling at smaller kids along the way.
"So what do you wanna talk about?" I ask casually.
"Everything that you missed." He hands me a big packet.
"Whaaat? I just got back." I growl, then mumble to myself, "Not even for a full week u might add."
"This packet is filled with everything that you missed. I expect you to be caught up within a month."
"Within-" I make a face. "You do realize I'm not exactly just chilling by myself the rest of the days right?"
"The sass isn't welcomed here, Mr. Fenton." Mr. Lancer growls.
"Yeah neither is hounding a kid on their first day back but one of seemed to do that." At this point I was just letting words fall out of my mouth, like I cared. I hated humans and I ain't doing homework for them now. That's just criminal.
"I don't want to get into this-"
"Well it seems you have."
"Mr. Fenton please just finish that as soon as possible?"
"ASAP, nice." I smile awkwardly and walk back to my seat next to the window just as the bell rang.
"Danny what was that all about?" Tucker leaned back to ask me.
I shrug, "I was just letting words fall out of my mouth and now this 100 paged packet isn't due until my 'earliest convenience'" I laugh and my friends exchange looks again.
Mr. Lancer, all warn out I might add, began his lesson and I zoned out almost right after I heard the word 'The'.
My eyes wonder to my left, where the windows sat, showing a gross cloudy day. My friend say in a  trees and beaconed me to one out. I grip my desk,
No way was I letting him get me up a tree again. I watch as he rolls his eyes and jump down to the ground. I try to turn away but I just can't, he stares me right in the eye and after one blink he is against the window. I jump and almost fall off of the chair, only a few people look back, but most don't notice. I try not to blink at him, he smiles crookedly and I keep my eyes open. They burn and begin to dry out and before I can stop myself I blink and he's gone. Gripping the edge of my desk, a chill rolls up my spine and begins to prick at my neck.
"He can't get in." I whisper softly to myself. "He's stuck outside. My friend isn't going to come in." I couldn't tell why I was suddenly scared of him but I didn't care. His crooked smile, it matched the one I see whenever I close my eyes, whenever I blink. There was something wrong with him, he wasn't human. He wasn't here really. He isn't real!
I'm breathing heavily and don't even notice Tucker tapping me on the shoulder. Who is he!? My friend!? Why am I scared of him!? How is he here!? What is wrong with me why do I see him!?
"Danny." Sam says softly. "Class is over let's go." I try to swallow the lump in my throat and get up, bringing my bag.
"I'm gonna hit the bathrooms quickly." I say with a half-assed smile as I slide out of the bathroom. I creep down the crowded hallway, no 'friend' nearby thank god. I slip into the bathroom and sigh, leaning against the wall.
The door opens harshly and I look up to see a 150 pound wall of person standing over me.
"Well well well Fenton!" Dash smirks, a very ominous shadow being casted over him. "Are you ready for the beating of your life time!"



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