Chapter 2

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I spent a week in bed still recovering but it felt like a second. Half the time I was in my own world or talking to my friend. I never did seem to pick up my phone though, human interaction seemed unwelcoming. I don't know, maybe I was actually turning into a ghost rather than half or staying human. What did happen in the portal? Was I just in shock? Did my mind get poisoned or something? What was really happening to me. Whatever it was, it wasn't exactly making my life very super hero-like.
"Yo Danny." Tucker nods as he barges into my room. "How are you feeling?"
"How do I look?" I mumble, sitting up with the blankets still over my head and my hand synching it closed.
"Horrible." Tucker jokes and places soup by my bed. "Your mom made that. You could probably guess, is not like I would cook or anything."
"Yeah," I laugh a little.
"So how've you been?"
"Fine I guess. Mostly bored really. Nothing to do, never thought I'd actually miss school."
"Nah you're not missing nothing. Some old, work hasn't even been that hard."
I snicker and nod. "Yeah."
"Want me to bring you comics? Something for you to read?"
"Yeah. It's so boring when you guys don't visit."
"How often do the other guys visit?
"Well, Jazz has been hovering more than my parents. But you, Sam and..." I cut myself off. I know there was someone else who has been visiting me. Who was it? They've talked to me for a while I knew that much. We've talked more than I've ever takes to anyone before it felt like. But who was it?
"Dude?" Tucker runs his hand across my eyes.
"Hmm?" I snap to attention.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Totally." I snicker and reach my hand through the slit in the covers and grab the soup, returning it back to the warmth of my blanket-cape. I carefully let go of the blanket so it would stay in the place and take both my hands and cup the bowl of soup. It was so warm, one of the first real food I've eaten in a while. Placing it to my lips, I slurp almost all of it down in one sip.
"It's really good." I smile to my friend. I look at his eyes to see they are wide open. "What's up?"
"How did you do that!?" He says in amazement.
"Do what?" I laugh a little. "Drink soup?"
"Well your mom literally just took it out of a boiling pot! That should have destroyed your mouth dude!"
"Oh well," I stick out my tongue and stare cross-eyed at it. "I gdeth i'b thibe." I laugh more and put my tongue back in my mouth. "I guess I'm fine."
"You sure you're okay dude?"
"Yeah? Why does something seem off?" I slurp more soup.
"To be totally honest yeah. You are acting weird. Did your parents bring you to a doctor?"
I think for a second, but then I spit out "of course" without meaning too.
"Oh okay. And you are all okay?"
"Totally." I say, regretting lying.
"Okay. Because Sam and I are worried. That accident looked like it really hurt, all that trauma to your head-"
"I'm fine!" I snap irritated. "All it is a small sickness what I guy can't get hit with a bunch of electricity and just be fine!? Stop being so-" I noticed I was starting to stand up, leaning towards Tucker. Plopping back onto my bed, the soup goes flying and lands on my floor.
"I'll get your mom to clean that up on my way out." Tucker turns to leave quickly. Pursing my lips, I don't even try to stop him. I was to scared, what was that? Why was I so mad at Tucker? Why did I lie about the doctors? Who was that last person? I know someone was with me earlier, but who?
The next day I woke up at 4 am, and sat bolt right up. Energy surged through me, I was really awake. I grab my jacket and slip on my sneakers, not even bothering with the laces. I then threw open the front door and sprinted down my street. I was running so fast I might as well have been flying. I ran down my entire street and ran past Sam's house and zoomed into the park. Suddenly I stopped, why was I running again? I say on a bench and stared at the ground. What was happening? That's when I began to get nervous, I had just left my house after a week in bed and I was totally okay with running.
"What's happening to me?" I cried out a little too loud, my hands gripping the bench hard. I stared as a squirrel is rattled from it's nest, and runs right under my bench and back out. Squirrels are irritating. People are irritating. The air is irritating and I could not for the life of my tell anyone why. Why was everything so annoying!?
"Gah!" I scream as I look down at my hands. I pull them up quick. In the metal bench was a deep impression of my fingers, the steal melted away. My hands had a soft green tint to them, so I shove them into my pockets. The sun peaked through the trees lightly and I check my watch without removing my hands from my pockets. It had been an hour... Man I should really go home, the energy I once had was gone.
"Hey." I deep voice calls out.
I spin around and smile at my friend. "Hey too you too!"

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