Chapter 8

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"So Danny." The new Psychiatrist smiles, "Do you know why you're hear?"
I roll me eyes and slump into the couch, staring at the small fish tank on the small table next to me. "Because I fucking murdered someone."
"You didn't murder someone but you almost did." He corrected me. "And I am here to help you with your anger issues and other problems you may have."
I scoff, "Sure."
"So Danny do you remember doing it?"
"Yeah." I respond blandly, chin on my hand.
"All of it?"
"Yeah." I snap more annoyed.
"How did it make you feel?" He crosses one leg over the other and leans into our conversation.
"Uh you want the truth?" I mumble at him.
"Yes." He says firmly. "You should always tell the truth here, it is a safe place after all."
I growl, "It made me feel happy."
He was shocked, "Excuse me?"
I started to laugh a little, "To finally pay someone back for all the horrible things they've done to you in the past and bring it back harder! Who doesn't get a spring to their steps afterwards that!" I was smiling so wide it made my cheeks almost hurt and I could feel my throat laughing slightly.
"Yes but Danny you almost killed him!" He gasps at my response.
"Yeah yeah yeah well he beats me up so I guess we're even." I smirk, "And even better he won't do anything like that again."
"But the world isn't even Danny." He uncrosses his leg and then crosses the other one over. "Fighting back is alright but this is taking it to far. If he was a bully, you should have told someone about it."
"IF he was a bully?" I snap, "HE WAS A BULLY!"
"Danny please calm-"
"NO!" I scream, the world wavering from green to red, "HE DESERVED EVERYTHING HE GOT!"
"Danny sit down!"
I was standing? "HE DESERVED EVERYTHING THAT I DID TO HIM! HE DESERVED TO GET SMASHED INTO A MIRROR HE DESERVED TO DROWNED IN A TOILET! HE DERVED TO DIE!!!" I was breathing heavily, the world was all shades of red and I felt like just exploding on the spot. Just destroying everything in my sight. And if he told me to calm down one more time I'll-
"Danny." He says harshly but calmly, "Sit down right now and calm yourself."
My eye twitched and that auto pilot feeling came back again. Before I could process what I was doing my hands were rapped around the legs of he table. My mind went numb for a second and soon the table had been shattered against the wall, the fish tank smashed on the ground. I walked over and watched as the three gold fish struggles to breathe and my mind went blank for a split second. When it came back, my foot had smooshed all three of he fish into the shag carpeting. The world was gone, everything had a harsh black edge to it and a mosquito buzz had taken over my head and stung my ears.
I felt someone grab my hand and I ducked away from them. The world was one big blurry red blob, where was I anyways. I ran away, right into what I think was a wall and fell onto the floor.
Standing back up, I run to it, "LET ME OUT!"
"Danny come back here and calm down."
"STOP TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN!" I punch the wall and my vision returns to its green and grey state. I stare, it was a really big hole and had burn marks around it. The wall was shattered, my fist was bleeding and still in the crappy plaster. My breath is heavy, making me feel like I was choking.
"Can I please just go home?" I mumble as I open the door and leave. I didn't care what he had to say, I was proud of what I did
And what I will do.
The car was silent, as it should be. Jazz had come to pick me up, her windshield fixed. We both stayed silent, I knew she wouldn't want to talk.
"Hey," he human part of me says as I look over at her. She tenses up, "You're hands are shaking."
She laughs a little. "Y-Yeah driving've been hard, after the... Accident...."
"Yeah riding is a little tense for me too." I lie. Jazz, as much as a little bitch she is, sorta relaxes me. Sure she is over baring and annoying and stuck up and perfect and-
Jazz IS all of those things but she IS my sister and she IS awesome. Shut up already evil-Danny!
"Danny I want to know something." She says as we pull up to a red light. I watch carefully as she brings her forehead close to the steering wheel and sighs.
"What?" I ask a sit on my hands.
"D-Do you know why this all started?" She looks over at me, her orange hair flowing over her face.
"I-I-I..." I stutter and think. Should I lie? Should I tell her? What will she say? Will she tell our parents? "It's well... Sorta-"
The light turns green, "Let's talk at home." She puts her foot on the gas and the car rolls on. I stare out the window, watching as grey house after grey house rolls by, some green and red making it look like Christmas.
We pull at home and I quickly get out, opening the door to my parents and a few other adult talking in a circle in the living room. They all look pretty sad which would be awesome if it wasn't my parents. So it was a little awesome.
"What's going on?" I ask as Jazz pushes in behind me.
My mom wipes her eyes and clears her throat. "Danny, Jazz these are some of our collage friends."
"I don't care about th-" I start as Jazz pulls on my arm and makes me shut up.
"Why are you all so upset?" Jazz says quickly.
"Oh it's just the twentieth anniversary of our friends death..." My dad mopes.
"You remember when someone dies?" I mumble to myself. "Why? It's not like remember will bring them back."
Jazz shoves me a little. "Oh my gosh how'd he die."
Someone sighs, "Terrible Lab accident. It was your parents ghost portal, collage green lighted it when it wasn't ready and he was in the room and the blast hit him."
"Ghost portal?" I repeat. "W-What happened?"
My dad sighed, "He just shut down, slowly became anxious and schizophrenic and then one day he just... You know I don't wanna talk about it anymore."
"Why because it was all your fault?" I say casually. My mom looks at me and suddenly realization hit my of what I just said.
"Danny." My sister said harshly. I open my mouth to apologize but no words came out. "You'll have to excuse my brother, he's been a little under the weather lately."
"Yes well the ghost portal was a failed experiment but I commend Maddie and Jack for persevering through that and going forth for the sake of science." Someone chimes in.
"Yeah," Jack smiles. "At least nothing like that will ever happen again."
I gulp and try to swallow the huge lump in my throat that had appeared randomly.
"Hey what was this guys name anyways?" I manage to say.
My mom sighs, "Vlad Masters."

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