Chapter 11

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Tick tock tick tock tick tock
I watch the clock go by in my room. It was lined with pads and I had a new outfit on. I scream. I was alone, the room was all grey and I run into one of the walls. I fall down onto the soft floor. I do it again and again and again, hoping I way run in such a way to kill myself. I reach up to snap my neck but my hands have something over them that is as padded as the room. I spin in circles, I want the ghost portal back. I'm ready to just through it, where am I?
"Hello." I hear someone say. I flip around to see a man standing there, light grey hair and grey eyes and grey skin. Why was nothing re-green?
"Hi." I mumble. He sits down on a mound, also covered in padding and attached to the floor. I join him and sit cross-legged on the little mound across a padded table from him.
"Can you tell me your name?" He asks with a smile.
I shake my head. That was irrelevant. Just let. Me. Leave.
"Oh." He looks shocked. "Okay then. Can you tell me your age?"
I shake my head.
"Can you remember your family?"
I look up and shake my head.
"You had a family, Danny." He smiles.
"I don't care." I snap. "Let me leave."
"You want to leave?" He raises an eyebrow. "Where will you go?"
"And where's that."
"It's in my basement."
"But where is your house?"
The man stares at me. I stare back, his eyes had small flecks of green in them. Lying my hands on the table, I sit back and rock on my tailbone.
"I want you to look at these," I watch as the man slides something in front of me, "Tell me what you see."
"I want to go home." I snap again.
"Please focus." The man says. He opens the envelope and puts down a piece of paper with black on it. "What do you see?"
"Ink." I respond plainly.
"I mean, what does the way the ink is shape remind you of?"
I stare at it all the curvy edges that swung in and out of the mess. I finally let my eyes settle and say, "A ghost."
"Oh alright." He says and lifts up the next picture.
It was a swirl. "A portal."
"Very good." He says and I smile sheepishly like a child.
I look at the next one. "Someone getting stabbed."
"Alright." He says skeptically.
Next one
"A dead woman."
Next one.
"More ghosts."
Next one
"Home." I bite my lip. "I want to go home!"
"Danny I'm sorry but you can't go home-"
"WHY THE FUCK NOT!?" I scream.
"It's not safe-"
"I can't." He sighs. "Please sit down."
I feel tears in my eyes. "I want to die! I just want to go away from this world and no one will let me!"
"Because people care about you Danny..."
"If people cared about me..." I sniffle. "They would just let me die!"
The man sighs. "Danny look at this."
I watch carefully as he takes his hand into the inside of his jacket and pull out a photo. I stare as the light glosses over a part of its smooth covering and I lean in.
There are six people in the picture, and they all are familiar but not important. I can see a younger version of me, before my hair was white and my eyes turned green/red. The rest were making funny faces with young me and it melted my heart. Tears leaked from my eyes.
"W-Why do I care so much about them?" I mumble to myself as I sniffle. "They are just stupid people why... Why do I care?"
"They were your friends and family Danny." The man says softly.
"I-I don't have friends. I don't want friends." I'm still crying, tears burning my skin as it began to pave it over with humanity. "I don't like people."
"You like these people, Danny." He leans forward more. "They were your reason for living."
"I don't want to live." I put my plushed-hands to my eyes.
"Danny they want the old you back." He says. "They want their friend, brother and son back. All of them are waiting for you too feel better to see you again."
I sniffle, "Really?"
"Yes." He smiles. "I want to help you as much as your friends tried too. Trust me."
"T-Trus-st yo-ou?" I manage to say, my mouth almost foaming with saliva.
"Yes." He touches my elbow. "I want to help."
"I-I want to get better." I say, choking on my own words. "I want to see them again. I want to remember... I want to go home."
"And you can." He says as I peel my hands off of my face.
"T-Thannk yyou." I tremble at the words and fall off my stool onto the soft ground. I sit there and sit and stare and sit and stay silent. My tears dry, but I still don't move.
"What are you doing?"
"Hello?" I say put loud as I perk up.
"This isn't how it's supposed to go!"
"Uh excuse me?" I slowly get up and look around, no on these. The man has left and all that's there is the padded table in the padded room.
"You are evil!" Another voice chimes in
"You don't care about humans!" Says a deeper voice
"They are greedy bastards who deserve to all die!"
"No! There is good in them!!"
"Even those who you call your friends will betray you!"
"That's not true!!"
"You aren't human!"
"You aren't one of them!"
"You are special!"
"You are better than them!"
"Destroy them all then return home!"
"Before they all corrupt you."
"Shut up!" I cover my ears.
"Destroy them all!"
"I CANT!" I fall to my knees.
"You have the power."
"SHUT UP!" I close my eyes.
"Do it!" A voice chimes in.
"Do it!" Another encourages.
"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!" They all say, all the voice, I can see my friends smile, I can hear him laughing in the corner of my head.
"DO IT!" My friend shouts.
I scream and feel my body ball up with energy like when all those people were watching. Pounding words dig into my skull, I can I can't I can I can't-
"DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!" I hear a girl scream from the front of my brain. I feel my skin falling off my face and my eyes begin to burn my eyelids. My bones were cracking and my skull was shaken. My head was pounding with voices...
"DO IT!"
"Do it!"


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