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Karina released a laugh as she ran throughout the chamber, hitting her lightsaber against the younglings'. The boy laughed, running after her.

"You're getting better, Jax!" She said, jumping off of the chair. She ran across the open space, side-to-side.

"You're better than me!"

As the two stopped, she turned off her lightsaber off. "I think we owe Master Luke a thanks."
Jax grinned.

"Who do we need to thank?"
Karina turned, noticing Luke walking in. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning in the doorway.

"You!" Jax shouted, causing Luke to laugh.
"Well, you're welcome, Jax. But your mother told me to tell you to get back, your dinner is ready."

The boy cheered, causing Karina to laugh. He high-fived them both before speeding out of the chamber.

Karina walked towards Luke. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. Luke kissed her back, looking down at her as she pulled away.
"That's my thanks."

"You're welcome." Luke mumbled.

"What are Han and Leia doing?" Karina asked, pulling her cloak on.
"If only I knew." Luke replied. "They told us to meet them outside."

She rose a brow.

As they walked out of the Temple and down the stairs, Han and Leia stood on the landing strip, a figure beside them.

Karina froze.

The woman stood, her eyes locked with Karina's. She had the exact green eyes, and the same perfect teeth and smile.

"Mother?" Karina croaked, her voice cracking.
The woman nodded.

Karina ran forward, throwing her arms around the woman. Her mother released a cry as she hugged her daughter tightly.
"Oh, Karina." She whispered.

"I thought you were dead." Karina said, wiping her eyes.
She shook her head. "I've been in hiding."
"From who?"

"The Empire, until I got the all-clear warning."
The woman looked at Luke. Karina grinned as Luke smiled.

"And he also told me what you've been going through."
Karina frowned. "Are you upset with me?"
"No, of course not. . . this darkness you've been feeling isn't because of you. It's because of your father."

She swallowed. "I killed him, mother."
She nodded. "I know that, too. It would've happened sooner or later by the Empire. He turned against them."

Han looked over at Leia. "Who was her father?"

"Katren Blatix."

He rose a brow, shaking it off.

"He put everything on you, Karina. Your father was a terrible man."
She frowned. "I know."

Luke stepped forward. "Lisstra, would you like to see your new apartment?"
She nodded. "I'd love to."

After allowing Lisstra to settle in, Karina sat on her sofa, her mother sitting beside her.

"Where have you been in hiding for the past twenty years?"
"On Tatooine, deep in the caves. It wasn't bad, besides the stupid Tusken Raiders."

"I was on Tatooine a few months ago, where I met Luke."
Lisstra smiled at her daughter. "Do you like him?"
Karina smiled. "Mother, I love him. He saved me."

She smiled.
Karina folded her arms. "He happens to be Anakin Skywalker's son."
Her eyes widened. "I was wondering why Skywalker sounded familiar."

"Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader, too."
She froze. "Really?"
She nodded. "Luke discovered that he was his father, and Leia's. They're brother and sister."

"What incredible family history."
Karina laughed. "Yeah."

Lasstra sighed. "I'm just relieved to know you're alive."
"Me too, mother." She said. "I believed you were dead for so long."

She placed her hand on her knee. "I'm still here."

Karina smiled. "I saw the Force ghosts the other night."
"Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. They were all Jedi."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi." She said. "As in Ben Kenobi?"

She nodded. "Did you know Ben Kenobi?"

"He was a man that I met on Tatooine just a few years ago, actually."
"That was Obi-Wan."

The two women turned to see Luke in the doorway.

"Obi-Wan hid from the Empire for years, just like you did."
"That explains." Lasstra chuckled.

Luke pursed his lips. "I don't mean to interrupt you both reuniting, but I was hoping to borrow Karina for a second."

Lasstra nodded. "She's all yours."

Karina stood to her feet, following Luke out of the apartment.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.
He nodded. "Everything's fine. I was just wanting to see if everything was alright between you two."

She nodded. "Everything's great."
She grabbed the black material of his tunic. "Thank you, really."

He smiled, kissing her forehead. "If my mother was alive, I'd love to meet her."
Karina smiled sadly. "She watches over you, Luke."

She kissed him once before pulling away. "I'll be up in a second."
"Don't rush." He said, rubbing her back gently. "I'm right here."

When she walked back inside, Luke looked down at the ground, smiling to himself.

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