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Karina stared at the three figures, each of staring directly at her.

"Obi-Wan?" She asked.
"That's correct." Obi-Wan said. "Luke must have told you who I was."

She swallowed. "Yoda."

The short creature released a grumbling laugh.

As she stared at the last figure, he continued to smile.
"Who are you?" She asked.

"You only knew the dark side of who I was, Karina." The man said, his voice deep but vibrant.
She blinked a few times.
"I was once a Jedi Knight before I was seduced to the Dark Side."

She felt her heart beat speed up as she said the name aloud.
"Anakin Skywalker."

Karina felt shivers running down her spine, and she hugged herself. "How am I seeing you right now?"
"Through the Force." Anakin replied.

She looked at Obi-Wan, and he tilted his head at the girl.

"Much fear in you, there is." Yoda said, Karina looking down at him.
"It's clear that you are confused." Anakin said. "But we're here to tell you a few things."

She nodded.
"Don't allow yourself to fall to the Dark Side. It destroyed me, Karina. It destroyed me, and I know it nearly destroyed Luke and Leia."

Karina sat on the floor, crossing her legs. "How did it happen?"

"Someone that I loved was in danger, and I tried to change the end results. But in the end, it was me that put that person's life at risk."

She folded her hands. "I'm afraid."
Anakin looked down at Yoda, who shook his head. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Do not let it consume you, Karina."
She looked down at the cold floor. "Luke has been helping me. Right now, I should be a Sith, and I'm not."

"You're in control." Anakin told her. "You're in control because of an emotional connection you have with someone."
She looked up at her former Master. "Luke."

Karina smiled weakly, feeling a tear roll down her face. "He has your eyes."
Anakin smiled. "Leia has her mothers."

She wiped her face. "Luke! Shouldn't he know you're all here?"
Anakin's eyes fell on something behind Karina. "He already knows."

Karina turned around, seeing Luke in the doorway. He walked in slowly, smiling at Karina.

"Late night meetings, huh?" Luke chuckled.
Karina grabbed his hands. "They were just telling me that I'm in control, thanks to you."

Luke squeezed her hands, looking at his former members. "Father, Obi-Wan taught me what he taught you."
Anakin looked at his former Master. "So I've heard."

The two Force ghosts chuckled lightly.

"True Jedi, you are." Yoda said to Luke. "Much of his father in him."
Luke smiled, looking over at his father. Anakin continued to smile.

"We're always here." Anakin told the two. "Call to us through the Force, we're here."

The ghosts disappeared into a fog, and Luke wiped Karina's cheeks.
"Are you all right?" He asked her.

She laughed, wrapping her hands around his wrists. "Of course I'm alright. I just met your father. . . The better side of my Master."
Luke smiled.

As the two walked onto the old balcony, Karina looked at him. "Luke, what happened to your mother?"
Luke shrugged faintly as he stared at the sky. "I'm not completely sure, really."

He looked down at her. "I do know that she loved my father more than I could explain."
She smiled. "It would be amazing to love someone so much."
Luke placed his hand on hers. "You're right."

Karina exhaled. "I always wonder if my mother still loves my father."
Luke looked at her. "You're mother's alive?"
"I'm not sure. But she and my father were a complicated couple."

He turned to her. "Tell me about your family."
She sighed. "I was born a year after my parents married one another. One of my only memories as a child is them arguing all of the time. . . and my mother always saying something about an evil darkness inside of him."

Luke's brows furrowed.
"I remember the night he hurt me. . . he wanted me to strike him down, and I did with no remorse."

She pursed her lips. "But I will always be guilty for that."
Luke stroked her jaw. "You're different now."
Karina looked at him. "I want to be like you, Luke. I want to be a good person. I want to be loved, because I never got that."

Luke leaned forward, pressing his lips to her forehead. "You are loved."
"By who?"
"By me." Luke said, holding her face. "I know it's only been a few months, but every second that we spend together. . . It's like you're the one person that I belong with forever."

She smiled. "I get that feeling, too."

She stood on the tip of her toes, pressing her lips to his. Luke placed his hand on the railing, kissing her back slowly.

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