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Karina's eyes focused on the fog that surrounded the wet lands of the Dagobah System. She walked down the ramp, the humid air not affecting her.

She stepped into the shallow water before her, and she walked through. She climbed up the branch as if she were a creature herself, and she slid down onto dry land.

The woman walked through the vines, a small light catching her attention. She slid into a crouching position, and she stared through the trees to see a small home in her view.

As Six lifted his blaster, she stopped him by placing her palm over the head. The familiar presence caused her to move forward, only slightly.
"Do not fire." She hissed, her red eyes staring at the trooper beside her. Six nodded.

Her eyes caught a moving figure, and she watched as a man crawled out of the small home, and he stood to his feet. He was surely tall.

And perhaps. . . Captivating.

The man walked towards a small site, where the lights of a droid began to flicker. She tilted her head, watching as the man patted the droid's head.

"I wish Yoda was still here, Artoo." The man said. The droid replied with a strain of beeps.
"Maybe we should get back, Han and Leia might need us."

As the man entered an X-Wing, she bit her lip hard.
"I want to follow that ship." Karina said, standing. "Go!"

They hurried back to the ship, and took off as the X-Wing reached the atmosphere. They followed, and Karina blinked.

It was getting closer.

"Do not let that X-Wing out of your sight, otherwise it's your life you'll be losing." The woman snarled, sitting down again. She closed her eyes before lifting her hood.

She looked out the window, and grimaced as they entered the planet Tatooine. She closed her eyes as her head spun, and she looked at the reflection off of the window to see the green again.

"We've arrived, Master." Three told her.

She stood to her feet, ignoring the change of her aura. She hurried off of the ramp, and froze once she saw the man walking away.

Karina turned. "I want nobody off of this ship. Leave this to me."

As the ramp slid up again, she lifted her hood once again before sprinting. Her feet felt hot through her thin boots as she walked across the sand, the sun baking her back.

The man continued to walk, and he turned a corner with the droid. She looked around the area, creatures and people giving her weird glares and stares.

She slowed to a walk, and she turned the corner. The woman gasped as hands grabbed her arms, pinning her to the wall of a home.

Her hood fell over her eyes as a lightsaber shone before her face, and she swallowed.

"I told you someone was following us, Artoo." He said, staring at the woman. "And I could sense the darkness."
The man tilted his head slightly as if he were confused. "But. . . I don't sense it anymore."

Karina lifted her hands, dropping her cloak from her face. The man stared into her green eyes, and he shook his head.
"But. . . I felt it!" He said, dropping his hands away from her.

Karina stared at the man's face. "It's you."
He looked up at her. "What?"
She grinned wildly. "I knew your presence was so. . . Familiar."

The man stared at her.

"You're Darth Vader's son." She said, smiling as she figured it out. "You're Luke Skywalker."
Luke dropped his arms to his sides. "I guess my name's gotten around."

Karina watched as he crossed his arms over his chest. "How did you know my father?"
"Things get around in the galaxy." She lied. "And what also got around was that he saved you from the Emperor."

Luke looked away. "Yeah, you heard that right."
Karina smiled. "I can't believe I found the one and only Luke Skywalker."
His blue eyes met hers. "Who are you?"

She extended her hand out to shake his. "Karina."
Luke shook it slowly, still staring at her as if he were trying to figure her out.

She knelt down to R2-D2, examining him. "And I couldn't help but over hear that you also have others with you."
"Yeah," Luke replied. "My sister Leia, and my friend, Han."

"Ah." She said, clicking her tongue against her teeth.

"So, how did you get here?" Luke asked.
"I was traveling with a group of people that I didn't know." She lied, walking beside him.
"After following me." Luke chuckled.

She shrugged. "I suppose it seems like that."
Karina stopped walking as Luke stepped towards a clay-built building, and the door slid open. "You're welcomed to come inside."

She jumped slightly as R2-D2 beeped, rolling past her and into the home. Karina sent Luke a nervous smile before walking in.

The home was tall and large, with multiple things and hand-made furniture.

"Luke? Is that you?"
A woman appeared in the doorway, her brown hair pulled into a bun. She wore a brown dress, and she looked at Luke.

"I was wondering how long you'd be." She said. "And you brought someone."
Luke cleared his throat. "Leia, this is Karina. Karina, this is my sister, Leia."

Karina and Leia looked at one another, and Leia stared at her for a moment. Karina swallowed, being the first to stick her hand out.
"It's nice to meet you, Leia."
Leia smiled. "You too."

"Is he back yet?" A man's voice appeared. Karina turned to see a taller and older man appear with a torching mask on his head.
"And who might this be?" He asked.

"Han, this is Karina. I just met her in Mos Eisley."

Han shook her hand, and she stiffened slightly at his firm shake. "Nice to meet you, kid. You wouldn't happen to know how to fix a cable like this?" He asked, holding a long thick cord in his hand.

Karina giggled slightly as Leia rolled her eyes. "Well, it might work a bit better if you had it attached. Let me show you."

She set it on the wall, tying the cords together again. Han and Luke watched in utter shock as it sparked, and the machine began to work again.

Han looked over at Luke. "I like this girl."

Luke cleared his throat. "Karina, would you like anything to drink?"
"Water would be great." She replied.

As the three left the room to attend to their objectives, Karina pulled her comlink from her pocket.

"Karina to Three. Exit Tatooine immediately. I repeat, exit Tatooine immediately."

Karina smiled. "I have everything under control."

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