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Karina walked off of the ramp, smiling at the sight of Luke.

"Welcome back." He said, hearing her laugh.
"I'm back."

"Did you decide where you were going?"
"No," she replied. "I decided to just set it to auto-fly and sleep."

They walked back towards the home, where R2-D2 sat outside, C-3PO beside him.
"How lovely to see you again, Master Karina."

Karina laughed. "Thank you, Threepio."

As they walked inside, Han was standing as he wrapped a tool belt around his waist. "Hey, kid."
"How are things with you all?"
"Never better." He said, sending her a wide smile.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked Han.
"Chewie and I are going investigating." Han answered. Karina rose a brow.

"No, but we're going to visit Lando, since you did the other day."
"Tell him I said hello." Luke shouted.

Leia walked towards the door as Han said he would, and Han hummed loudly as Leia pressed her lips to his. "Be safe."
"Always am, Princess." He said, turning. He followed Chewbacca out the sliding door, and towards the Falcon.

Karina sat in one of the rooms when Luke walked in.
"What are you doing?" She asked, watching him as he went through a dark colored box.

As he closed the lid, he turned around, revealing a silver lightsaber hilt. He activated it, revealing the blue beam.

"This was my fathers, when he was a Jedi Knight." Luke told her. "I used it for my first part of training, but now I have my own."
She smiled. "Hand me downs?"

Luke laughed. "I guess so, this will be my children's in the future."
Karina hugged her knees. "You want to have children?"
He shrugged. "I mean, probably. I've never really thought about it."

She smiled. "You'd be a great father."
Luke chuckled, setting the lightsaber back into the box. "You think so?"

She nodded.

Luke watched as a glass vase moved through the air, and Karina laughed before picking it up in her hands. "I've always loved the Force."

Karina watched in shock as one of the clay chairs moved through the air, and it fell back onto the floor beside Luke. He propped his feet up on it, folding his hands behind his head.

"Luke Show-Off." Karina teased.
"You started it." He chuckled.

She chuckled.

"Luke, Karina?" Leia shouted. "Food is done."

Luke stood to his feet. "Never would think a Princess would be cooking the meals."
Leia stuck her head in, her long hair braided. "I heard that."

Karina laughed, following Luke outside.

They sat at the wooden table, R2-D2 beeping as he rocked side-by-side. 3PO smacked the interior on his head.

Karina swallowed the food. "This is amazing, Leia."
She sent a friendly smile to Leia. "Thank you."

Karina stayed silent as she focused on the feelings that were beginning to radiate off of Princess Leia.


As the sun began to go down, Karina turned to Luke.

"I'm going to head off to bed." She told him.
He nodded, rubbing her arm. "Goodnight."

Karina's eyes fell to Luke's parted lips, and she exhaled.

Luke leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. She closed her eyes, kissing him back slowly.


The two pulled away from one another as Han's loud voice appeared. Although Karina was cautious as dusk crept closer, she and Luke ran outside.

Han ran towards Luke and Leia, and Karina slowed. She stopped and stood in the doorway, noticing Han's torn and dirty clothes, and his ruffled hair.

"You're not going to believe this." He said, hearing Chewie moan.
Karina listened, her heart racing inside of her chest.

"We were on Mustafar to check out that building that appeared on the radars. They're there, Luke."
"Who's there?" He asked as Leia grabbed Han's arm.

"Stormtroopers and Bounty Hunters! They blasted the hell out of us." Han breathed out.
"And you won't even believe the best part."
Karina froze as Han lifted his blaster, and aimed it directly at her.

"They said their Master was Karina. . . Karina Blatix."

The woman froze as Luke looked at her, and back at Han.
"That can't be true."
"Oh really?" Han asked. "Here's a bit more interesting news. She was there just yesterday, when Karina left."

Karina closed her eyes as she felt the change happening, and she turned. She ran off, hearing the blaster go off.

Luke was running after her as she ran across the sand, heading straight for Mos Eisley. She lifted her cloak, hoping she'd blend in.

But it wasn't enough.


She continued to run, pushing past creatures and human of every kind. As she exited the town, she knew Luke had caught up to her.

She stood motionless, her back to the Jedi as he walked forward slowly.

"Karina." Luke said. "I want to see your face."

Karina inhaled, swiping her tongue across her teeth as a smile spread. She looked up at the bright and reflecting moon, before turning.

Luke watched as he stood there frozen, watching the woman turn to face him.

And as she did, his blue eyes met the ones that were once green, but were now a faded red.

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