Chapter 1: Nightmare

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Tagline: You are mine to hold...

***This story is the sequel to: My Deadly Secret Admirer***


Chapter 1:


I woke up nausea for some reason. I didn’t even know why, so I rushed –staggering better say –to the bathroom in bare feet. The floor was cold as it ate my feet to numbness. I hit my head against the door; fell backwards and landed on my butt in full pain. I looked up to see the door locked, to my surprise. One, was because my mother and I never leave the door closed so it is always open. Confused and interested I stood up to my feet and reached out my hand as I placed it on the doorknob. I turned it slowly.

Why would I have fear? I thought to myself. Just then my heart started to beat fast for some reason. I was getting nervous just wonder what could be behind the door. I’m just being silly, I thought. I could hear my own heart beats on my ears. I inhaled deep as I swung the door wide.


Confused and relieve I looked around the room, but there was nothing only for the light on and everything in order as it should be. I sighed feeling utterly dim-witted about the fact that someone could be there when there was no one.

“I’m so stupid,” I muttered to myself as I switched the light off. I turned around and gasped out loud. Everything froze around me. My heart stopped.

Aaron was staring at me with one eyebrow raised. “What?”

My mouth dropped open. I didn’t have a voice to scream with. He was alive!

“H-h-how?” I stammered confused. He raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t talk –I just stared at him with terrifying eyes.

He snorted. “Sis’ you’re weird.” He gently bushed passed me, smirking, as he entered the bathroom. I couldn’t move I was frozen in place.

Then after a few seconds I found my voice…

My eyes flew wide open as I sat up gasping for air. My heart pounded on my chest without control. I touched my cheek and forehead. I was sweating.

Calm down it was only a nightmare and nothing more, I thought to myself. Aaron was dead. He is dead.

I was covered in pitch darkness; it took my eyes only seconds to adjust to the darkness. I looked besides me to see the watch. It read 12: 30 am.

I let myself fall again on the bed as I stared at the ceiling.

“What a horrible dream,” I muttered to myself as I placed my hand on my forehead wiping off the sweat. I took deep breaths to calm my beating crazed heart.

I sighed as I kept staring at the ceiling. I was wide wake and didn’t feel the need to sleep again, even though I knew that if I didn’t I was going to be late for school.

But the dream kept replaying in my mind over and over again. God it felt so real! I could feel the way Aaron brushed passed me. I shivered just thinking about it.

My mind slipped to that night. I cringe as the memory unfolded before I could stop it. It kept going without having a chance to let me escape it. The memory that haunted me in my sleep and when I was wide wake. The memory of seeing Sami mutated, her body cut into pieces, her mouth slash wide open from ear to ear. Having to face the fact that it was my brother who killed important people around me.

My only brother, Aaron. He killed my boyfriend and my best friend, just so he could hide the truth that I knew all along. A tear escaped my eyes. My chest pained miserably, it was so much pain. I gripped my chest as new tears gently touched my pillow.

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